Infertility treatment, including artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and assisted reproduction (GIFT, ZIFT); cryopreservation of eggs and sperm covered in cases of iatrogenic infertility (e.g., cancer), where legally available.
A free, personalized step-by-step guide created with your unique needs in mind to support you through your journey.
Unlimited, free virtual visits with fertility health and family-forming experts to navigate your options, costs, and questions.
Expert-produced educational resources, including articles, how-to videos, and more.
At-home support through Carrot’s complete telehealth platform, including discounts on a fertility health and wellness test, an ovulation tracking bracelet and more.
Access to Carrot RX for discounts on fertility medications.
Benefit can be used to get support with:
Understanding fertility health
Pregnancy and postpartum care
Fertility preservation (egg, sperm, embryo)
Assisted reproduction (e.g., in vitro fertilization)
Gestational carrier arrangements
Donor assistance
Low testosterone
Gender affirmation care
$5,000 for adoption related costs, but not for surrogacy.