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Los Angeles Reproductive Center

Fertility Clinic  | 
Egg Donor Agency
Los Angeles, CA
Last updated on Jun 27, 2023 05:12 PM
Los Angeles Reproductive Center (LARC) is a world-class fertility center in LA, California, serving patients and the LGBTQ community locally and internationally. The physicians at LARC have successfully performed IVF, egg donation, and surrogacy cycles with patients from more than 30 countries on almost every continent. The center constantly ranks as one of the highest in the country in pregnancy rate and patient satisfaction. The team at LARC assists in finding an egg donor and gestational carrier and guides patients throughout the entire process from start until pregnancy is achieved. LARC has an egg donation program, a state-of-the-art laboratory, and a support team that speaks multiple languages.
Last updated on Sep 27, 2023 06:39 AM

Clinic Services
ED Non-medical Screening

  • Psychological Screening with a Mental Health Professional
  • Review of Past Egg Donation
  • Medical Questionaire
  • MMPI / PAI testing
  • Drug Screening
ED Medical Screening
Genetic Counseling (ED)
Genetic Screening (ED)
ED Medication Instruction and Supervision
ED Cycle Monitoring

  • Monitoring - office visits for egg donor
  • Monitoring - ultrasound examinations
  • Monitoring -bloodwork
Travel Coordination (ED)
IP Medical Screening/Bloodwork
Semen Analysis
GC Medical Screening

  • Sonohystogram or hysteroscopy
  • Cervical map
  • Mock cycle
GC Medication Instruction and Supervision
GC Monitoring

  • Ultrasound & blood for alignment and suppression
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Monitoring of carrier through 12th week of pregnancy
IVF Cycle

  • Egg retrieval with ultrasound guidance
  • Anesthesia for egg retrieval
  • Fertilization and Embryo Culture
  • Embryo transfer with ultrasound guidance
Embryo Genetic Testing

  • PGT-A
  • PGT-M
Embryo Storage
Semen Freezing and Storage
Genetic Counseling (IPs)
Mental Health Counseling
Egg Donation Services
ED Matching
ED Non-medical Screening

  • Psychological Screening with a Mental Health Professional
  • Review of Past Egg Donation
  • Medical Questionaire
  • MMPI / PAI testing
  • Drug Screening
GPAP Stage I Discount: $2,800 Annual quota: 10
GPAP Stage II 0 pro bono Agency Service(s) per year 1 pro bono Clinic Service(s) per year
Membership Benefits Program
  • Complimentary consultation for new and returning patients
  • $2,500 discount on all IVF packages
  • 50% off annual embryo storage for one year only
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Dr. Nurit Winkler - Co-founder, Co-owner, Reproductive Endocrinologist
Dr. Nurit Winkler is the co-founder and co-owner of Los Angeles Reproductive Center. She completed her training as a fertility specialist at Brown University School of Medicine and at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, where she earned multiple teaching and research awards. Dr. Winkler received her medical degree from the University of Pavia in Italy, where she graduated with the highest distinction. After completing her training in both Europe and Israel, she moved to the US, bringing with her expertise and unique approaches to fertility treatments in the field of egg donation and surrogacy. Dr. Winkler is, in fact, licensed to practice medicine on three different continents. With her unique international background and fluency in 3 languages, Dr. Winkler regularly treats couples and singles from the LGBTQ community from all around the globe. Her ultimate goal as a fertility specialist is to maintain a high pregnancy rate which can only be achieved by combining advanced technology, more than 20 years of experience in the field, and personalized care.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Dec 05, 2023
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Attributes & Policies
Annual number of Gestational Surrogates treated by the clinic in the last calendar year:   50-99
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   50%
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   70%
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Embryo banking, reciprocal IVF
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Mandarin, Romanian
Offers a network of satellite monitoring locations:   Yes
Requires single embryo transfer:   No
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   No
Agency fee payment schedule:   Not provided
Requires non-refundable consultation/commencement fee:   No
Available financing options:   Not provided
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
(2022, USA parents) The agency was great. Sometimes it was a bit of a let down to have to deal with unexpected costs and the emotional toll of dealing with let downs of cycles not going to plan and being delayed a couple of times, but it was nice to see that we got our child first try.
(2021, International parents) The clinic, headed by Dr. Winkler, was great. During the whole process the staff was very welcoming. I received warm treatment, very professional. Dr. Winkler would call to explain where we are in the process and what it means of everything, lots of patience and courtesy. The little things that make a big difference especially when it comes to a complex process, the availability of the doctor, and the accessibility of information throughout the process were simply excellent. Highly satisfied.
(2017 & 2019, US parents) Dr. Winkler and her staff were truly amazing through our surrogacy journey, for both of our children. We would highly recommend her services to any future parents!
(2019, International parents) Dr. Winkler is an amazing doctor! She is so helpful and available at any time, and also all the nurses are so nice. They were all perfect.
(2019, International parents) LARC staff has been great. All the staff is always ready to assist and cheerful. We have been really pleased with the services and Dr. Nurit Winkler in particular was very important in our journey. We will be always grateful for your assistance, support and professional services.
(2019, International parents) We had a great experience with this clinic. Dr. Winkler is an amazing doctor, very professional and dedicated. She gave us all the information and reassurance we needed.
(2018, International parents) We absolutely loved working with Dr. Winkler! We did IVF with a surrogate. She really took her time to explain all the steps along the way, we could always ask questions. When decisions had to be made she explained us clearly the options with pro's and cons and gave us her opinion but left us the freedom to make choices. She gave great advice from all the experience she has. We trust her and took her advice, she knew what she was doing! With a great result. We had some bumps along our journey to become parents but Dr. Winkler was always there, supportive, compasionate and positive! She was easily reachable and always replied or reached out to us when needed, so all the communication always went well. We would definately work with Dr. Winkler again and would also recommand working with Dr. Winkler to other intended parents.
(2018, International parents) Dr Winkler helped make our dream come true. Being two females from New Zealand our options for creating a family were quite limited. We decided to take control of the situation as best we could and go to the US to do IVF. It was scary and very overwhelming just thinking about the whole process but once we found Dr Winkler things became much easier. She truly is a guardian Angel. We spoke many times via Skype before we went over and she put us at ease with her wonderful caring manner and obvious intelligence and experience. Because of the realities of nature we had a bit of a roller coaster ride but the whole way through she kept us positive and optimistic. Today we have a beautiful 3 month old baby boy and we couldn't be happier. Dr Winkler will always have a special place in our hearts and we would recommend her and her wonderful team to anyone around the world who is having difficulty creating their own family.
(2018, International parents) After some conversations with some friends of us from Israel,Dr Winkler was highly recommended to us! Every question was quickly answered, she was always present with us and within this very stressful process, we felt that she was always there for us ! So big THANKS for that
(2017, International parents) in Hebrew: תהליך הפונדקאות יכול להיות ארוך ומייגע. במישור הרפואי, התהליך מלווה בהמון לחצים ופחדים. להורים המיועדים צצות שאלות כמו: האם הפונדקאית באמת נחמדה וטובה כפי שהיתה בשיחת ההיכרות ? האם סיכויי ההצלחה איתה עולים או יורדים בהתאם לפוריות שלה ובהשוואה לממוצע? האם היא נחשבת לפונדקאית טובה, מעולה או סבירה? האם היא תשמור על עצמה במהלך ההריון ? בהתחלה, היו לא מעט חששות לגבי הפונדקאית לאור מצב רפואי שנתגלה , אך דוקטור נורית ווינקלר ראתה בפונדקאית אישה נפלאה, אחראית, שקטה, נינוחה, משתפת פעולה, בעלת פוטנציאל אדיר להצלחה וממש לא ויתרה לנו וכמעט והתחננה בפנינו שלא נפסיד אותה, גם במחיר של המתנה נוספת לטיפול בבעיה הרפואית שנמצאה. שמענו בקולה של דוקטור נורית ווינקלר ואכן הפונדקאית שלנו היתה מעולה. היא נקלטה להריון בנסיון הראשון בשני תהליכי פונדקאות שעשתה עבורנו, שמרה על ההריון והעובר כאילו היה זה תינוק שלה ולבסוף ילדה לנו בן ובת בריאים בתוך שנה ושבעה חודשים. ד"ר ווינקלר היתה מאוד אינפורמטיבית. היא מאוד מקצועית והסבירה כל שלב בהרחבה בשיחות טלפון ובשיחות ווידאו. העובדה שיכולנו לדבר איתה בעברית הרגיעה אותנו מלבד העובדה שאישיותה משרה שלווה, רוגע ונינוחות. ולבסוף אומר שלא יכולנו לבקש רופאה יותר טובה מד"ר ווינקלר והיא זו שהקלה עלינו בתהליך בפן הרפואי. אנחנו ממליצים בחום ובאהבה
(2016, International parents) We arrived to Dr. Winkler after 3 frustrating attempts in Bangkok, which did not succeed. Dr. Winkler escorted us through the process of choosing an Egg Donor and surrogate. At first we were frustrated again: Dr. Winkler did not approve of the genetic tests of the egg donor nor of the psychological profile of our surrogate. And we wanted so much to have a baby. Quickly. On any step of the way, communication was key. When Dr. Winkler explained her recommendations we immediately felt that we were in good hands and accepted them. This has resulted in two successful pregnancies at the first attempt. And we now embrace are two amazing sons - and have much of it to thank Dr. Winkler for.
(2018, International parents) La dottoressa Wrinkler è sempre stata gentilissima, il fatto che conoscesse l'italiano mi stato molto d'aiuto. Mi sono sempre trovata bene con lei, e ha sempre provveduto a soddisfare le nostre richieste ed esigenze. Sia via Skype sia via telefono. Ha avverato il nostro sogno con questo meraviglioso bambino. Onestà e limpidezza ci hanno sempre accompagnato lungo il percorso. Quando guardo negli occhi del bambino vedo tutta la felicità e la speranza che ci ha a accompagnato in due anni di percorso. Grazie alla clinica e alla dottoressa, ottimo staff.
Very Professional and very human being
(2016, International parents) La dottoressa Wrinkler è sempre stata gentilissima, il fatto che conoscesse l'italiano mi stato molto d'aiuto. Mi sono sempre trovata bene con lei, e ha sempre provveduto a soddisfare le nostre richieste ed esigenze. Sia via Skype sia via telefono. Ha avverato il nostro sogno con questo meraviglioso bambino. Onestà e limpidezza ci hanno sempre accompagnato lungo il percorso. Quando guardo negli occhi del bambino vedo tutta la felicità e la speranza che ci ha a accompagnato in due anni di percorso. Grazie alla clinica e alla dottoressa, ottimo staff
We are a German couple and we only can say good things about Dr. Winkler. She is not only a Doctor she is more then this. She is very emphatic, understanding and she always has a answer for your questions so that you always feel more then a patient. We had two cycles there and everything went so great. At the first cycle ( fresh transfer with two embryos) our surrogate became pregnant with one baby and at our second cycle ( frozen with 2 embryos) our surrogate became pregnant with 2 babies. We are so thankful for everything and only can say Dr. Winkler is the best !!! We absolutely recommend her!!
Wonderful experience with the clinic. Everyone was very accommodating and helpful. Would highly recommend to prospective parents!
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Fertility Clinic Satisfaction

Overall Score 21 Reviews

Egg Donation Satisfaction

Recommendation Rate 0 Reviews
Clinic Experience
Overall Rating
Quality of medical services (contribution to the success of the journey)
Responsive, informative and supportive
Egg donor options, screening and matching
Gay friendly and knowledgeable
Accommodation of international parents

Clinic Recommendation Rate
Egg Donation Experience
Insufficient number of reviews.
Once this provider reaches 5 reviews, ratings will be visible here.