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Law Offices of Amelia Demma

Legal Service Provider
East Hampton, NY
Law Offices of Amelia Demma was founded by New York Attorney Amelia (Amy) Demma, a long-time patient advocate working on both Federal and New York State legislation as well as industry best-practices to the benefit of those engaged in assisted family formation. Law Offices of Amelia Demma offers counsel to New York intended parents, gestational surrogates, egg donors, embryo donors, sperm donors, clinical practitioners and matching programs (surrogacy and donor agencies) and partners with some of the nation's most widely regarding medical and mental health infertility professionals as well as several nonprofit organizations. Law Offices of Amelia Demma provides services to those entering into Gestational Surrogacy Agreements, Known and Anonymous Donor Agreements as well as Petitions for a Judgement of Parentage.
Phone: 516-662-7532
Employees: 1
Founded: 2010
Licensed in states: NY
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Apr 04, 2023 05:53 PM

Law Services
Surrogacy Agreements

  • Gestational Surrogacy
Establishing Parentage

  • Parentage Order
GPAP Stage I Discount: 50% Annual quota: 4
GPAP Stage II 4 pro bono Legal Service(s) per year
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Amelia Demma is a New York licensed attorney and founder of Law Office of Amelia Demma, offering legal services specific to collaborative family formation. Amelia began her career in assisted family building as a staff member at RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association in 2003, working on legislative matters related to infertility. She is credentialed in Family Mediation through Harvard Law School. In 2019, Amelia was awarded the Mary L. Landrieu Supporter of Adoption through Knowledge and Action Award by the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys at which she is a Fellow. Amelia is a board member at the New York Attorneys for Adoption and Family Formation. She is a provider to Men Having Babies’ Gay Parenting Assistance Program. Amelia served as a legal advisor to Parents Via Egg Donation and to the Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy. Most importantly, Amelia is the blessed parent of 26 year-old twins conceived through assisted means.
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