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We Are Grom! Surrogacy Planners

Rio de Janeiro, BR - HQ  |  Paris, FR
Last updated on Feb 07, 2024 05:30 PM
After years of professional experience in project management and a bumpy surrogacy journey, Gustavo & Romain founded We Are Grom! Surrogacy Planners, to help future parents make their family dreams come true, in the smoothest way possible. “If only we have had someone to guide us through our own journey, the process would have been much easier (and less expensive!). That’s why we are here to help YOU every step of the way with one goal: give you as much as we can a stress-free and financially optimized surrogacy journey”.
Phone: 5521994961768
Employees: 3
Founded: 2023
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Feb 16, 2024 09:39 AM

Complementary Services
Financial Planning
Journey Support
Concierge Services
Journey Consulting
GPAP Stage I Discount: 30% Annual quota: 3
Membership Benefits Program
  • 15% off the Unlimited Service. This service is our highest level of commitment. More than advisors, in this service we will take the complete lead of the project as surrogacy planners.
  • 10% off the Advisory Service.
Team Members
Last updated on Feb 07, 2024 06:37 PM
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Gustavo Sotero - Founder & CEO
Gustavo Sotero is one of the founders of WeAreGrom! Surrogacy Planners and father of 2 children born through surrogacy in the United States. After his own surrogacy journey experience, he understood intended parents needed someone to trust their journeys to, someone who their only responsibility is to care for the intended parents along the journey. Gustavo has a solid career of almost 15 years in a global beauty company holding top executive positions such as VP of Marketing and General Manager across different countries. With a strong budget controlling and project management background, Gustavo is obsessed with making sure his intended parents are making advised choices and most of all controlling the financial aspect of their project. Based on both professional background and surrogacy experience, Gustavo and Romain are committed to taking care of every single aspect of their intended parents’ surrogacy journey, from choosing the right clinic, the right agency, the right insurance, and anything else their journey might need. Gustavo speaks fluently French, Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
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Romain Menei - Co-Founder
Romain Menei is the second founder of WeAreGrom! Surrogacy Planners. He is Gustavo’s husband and father of 2 children born through surrogacy in the United States. Romain has a solid executive career of more than 10 years in a global beauty company, also holding several Director’s position across the globe. Together with Gustavo they manage all of the cases at WeAreGrom! All intended parents are directly in contact with the founders of the company from the beginning to the end. Along with his significant work experience managing projects, caring of other intended parents’ journey is a way for Romain to give back to the community and help others with a care and attention he didn’t have. Romain more often oversees the French and English speaking intended parents although he speaks fluently Portuguese, French, and English.
Attributes & Policies
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   100%
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   67%
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Not provided
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
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