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All Families Surrogacy

Surrogacy Agency  | 
Egg Donor Agency
Beaverton, OR
Last updated on Sep 19, 2023 11:40 AM
All Families Surrogacy and Gifted Journeys are established, well-respected agencies that have merged together to bring all of their best processes under one company. Their president, Wendie Wilson-Miller, who has worked in the ART field for over 23 years, co-founded The Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy ( and wrote a gold-medal award winning book on egg donation. They are a full-service surrogacy and egg donation agency that welcomes all types of parents, both domestic and international.
Phone: 503-906-7960
Employees: N/A
Founded: N/A
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Oct 30, 2023 07:57 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening

  • Criminal Background Check - GC
  • Criminal Background Check - GC's Family
  • Psychological Screening
  • Home Visits
GC Matching
Case Management

  • 3rd Party Coordination (medical, legal, insurance, escrow)
  • Journey Guidance & Support
  • Travel coordination
  • Birth arrangements guidance / coordination
  • Postpartem Coordination
Support Group for GC
Egg Donation Services
ED Matching
ED Non-medical Screening
GPAP Stage I Discount: 25% Annual quota: 5
GPAP Stage II 1 pro bono Agency Service(s) per year
Membership Benefits Program
  • $500 discount off surrogate agency fee
  • Free Consultation
Team Members
Last updated on Oct 07, 2024 08:46 PM
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Amber Lowe - Case Coordinator
Amber first learned about surrogacy at a very young age during a health class in high school, and ever since that moment, she knew that it was something that she would eventually pursue. She came to AFS as a surrogate and welcomed twins in November 2021 for the most wonderful set of IPs! Following her journey, Amber fell in love with being a part of helping other people’s dreams come true. In addition to being an experienced surrogate, Amber brings 14 years of management and leadership skills to her position. She prides herself on her ability to empathize and to offer the individual support and guidance that each surrogate needs.
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Shawna Johnson - Chief Operating Officer
Shawna has worked with hopeful parents navigating egg donation and surrogacy cycles for over 15 years. In addition, Shawna was an egg donor to several wonderful intended parents, as well as a surrogate for a high profile couple in Los Angeles, CA. Shawna has been featured in People Magazine and took part in a reality series documenting her surrogacy journey. She has spoken internationally about surrogacy and egg donation in the US, and has testified to the senate in Denmark in an effort to improve their surrogacy laws.
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Wendie Wilson-Miller - President and Owner
Wendie Wilson-Miller has been working in the field of assisted reproduction for over 20 years. Her experience being an egg donor for two women who were cancer survivors fueled her passion to found Gifted Journeys, an Egg Donation and Surrogacy Agency. In October 2020, Wendie also purchased All Families Surrogacy, the second largest surrogacy agency in Oregon. Wendie also co-wrote the book titled "The Insiders Guide to Egg Donation: A Compassionate and Comprehensive Guide for All Parents-to-be," which won a Gold Medal Ben Franklin award in 2013 for its LGBT chapter. Wendie is also an executive board member of Parents Via Egg Donation, and was a co-founder of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine's (ASRM) LGBTQ Special Interest Group. In 2012 Wendie co-founded the national non-profit organization, The Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy (SEEDS) with the goal of creating consistent ethical standards of practice for all egg donation and surrogacy agencies in the US.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Nov 01, 2023
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Attributes & Policies
Number of matches in the last calendar year that resulted in a pregnancy:   54
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Number of Families per Coordinator:   30
Average wait time for surrogate match (in months):   12 months
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Not provided
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Not provided
Conducts IP Background checks:   Yes
Recruits surrogates open to carrying twins:   No
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   No
Agency fee payment schedule:   Agency fee is broken into 3 payments, one at retention, one at match and one at heartbeat confirmation.
Requires a non-refundable commencement/retainer fee:   Yes
Non-refundable Commencement / Retainer Fee:   $10000
Monthly allowance duration policy - start milestone:   At contract
Monthly allowance duration policy - end milestone:   3 months post delivery
Minimum GC life insurance coverage amount:   $250,000
Rematch Fee Required under the following terms:   Never
Supplemental agency fee for multiples:   No
Supplemental agency fee for multiples amount:   Not provided
Work with independent matches for a discount:   Yes
Refund Policy:   There are no refunds once the milestone has been met, but we do not charge a rematch fee.
Timing of refunding unused journey funds:   Funds not used in the escrow account are held for a minimum of 6 months until all bills have been received or any lien has been completed.
Available financing options:   Not provided
Sibling journey policy
We offer $5000 reduction in agency fee if you come to us for a sibling journey and are working with a new surrogate or $10,000 off if you are working with the same surrogate.
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
(2020, International parents) We would not recommend AFS. Our first journey was with NWSC and since we were unsatisfied with NWSC we did our second journey with AFS. Unfortunately, AFS was much worse in many aspects and total journey cost was higher. AFS seems to place the priorities of the surrogates over intended parents. The former owner had a patronising and dismissive attitude, and she was not willing to entertain feedback. When we required assistance, we were quickly informed that this was beyond the scope of AFS. We were only successfully matched after 14 months even though we were told a matching time of 4-6 months (we were initially "matched" after 7 months but it quickly became apparent that this was not a suitable match and things fell apart during contract negotiations). Surrogate profiles were misleading with a surrogate introduced as "experienced" even though she had not completed a journey (she had an embryo transfer previously that did not lead to a pregnancy). Obstetric history of surrogates from AFS was incomplete and we had issues when applying for insurance. We were not informed when "standard" compensation, stipulated in our contract, increased midway and we were expected to adhere to these changes. Transparency of costs was lacking. Referrals made by AFS to lawyers representing the surrogate were to lawyers that charged more. There was minimal assistance after matching. Errors were made with accounting and the finance person seemed unfamiliar with international bank charges to IPs due to miscalculations by their team. It is a smaller agency so it deals with a smaller pool of surrogates and seems ill equipped to deal with issues that arise. Most of these issues are due to leadership under the previous owner. Thankfully ownership has changed. Unfortunately the team at AFS is still the same.
(2020, USA parents) It's been an amazing journey and AFS has been by our side the entire time. We were paired with an incredible surrogate, have only experienced kindness, responsiveness and professionalism from all working at AFS. If we decide to have another child, we will work with them again.
(2020, International parents) 我们是从IVF诊所的护士哪里得知AFS的,我们来menhavingbabies.org和Facebook上查询到了AFS的情况。我们去诊所时,特意去他们的办公场所拜访了她们。当时接待我们的是Elana,当时由于语言的障碍,我们沟通的不是太顺畅。回国后,我们很犹豫要和哪个中介签约,我们又发邮件给AFS再次确认我们的疑问,AFS都耐心的给我们回复。通过对比,发现AFS的费用确实是最低的,而且客户的满意度很高。所以我们最后签了AFS。后边匹配孕妈,等待了大概10个月,终于匹配成功了,这个等待是值得的。AFS的Carey和Erin在这个过程中显示得很专业,推荐给我们的律师,和保险中介以及DNA检测机构都很靠谱。有些不是他们职责范围的事,也给我们提供了建议,特别感谢AFS的帮助。另外之前去AFS的办公场所,发现很简陋,后来得知他们主要是在家办公,后边证明这并不妨碍他们的工作效率和专业性。
(2019, International parents) We went through the first journey with AFS and we had a lovely baby girl now! We contacted AFS with ORM's reference and we visit them from tens of thousands miles away and now all the efforts worth. AFS is a well functional operation with experienced and very kind staff. During our jouney, we had great communication and suports from AFS especially appreciate Carey, Erin and Elena. Considering we live very far away from the surrogate and almost have no idea how to deal with anything during the journey, AFS was really reliable and "hands on". From our experience, AFS is a smart choice and we will choose them again if we have next journey.
(2019, USA parents) Our journey was nearly perfect. The AFS team was always reachable, respectful, and able to answer all our questions. They matched us with a perfect carrier based on our desire and her desire to have a relationship after the birth. Their thoughtfulness on matching really showed. We had only one minor issue caused by the carrier and it was resolved quickly and professionally by the AFS team. I would recommend them to anyone. They may not be the cheapest, but they really care and they go at a speed fast enough to move things along but slow enough to make sure everything is on track. Very organized.
(2019, USA parents) We had a great experience from the start. Very personable and made the experience easy. We could not have been happier with our surrogate match and time to match was shorter than expected. We will be using All Families again for sure. Thank you!
(2019, USA parents) We loved working with All Families, they gave us a great vibe right from the start! We encourage anyone to work with them on their journey!
(2019, International Parents) We highly recommend All Families Surrogacy agency. From the very beginning we felt care and support in every step. All the recommended services - fertility clinic, egg donation agency, lawyer were amazing and highly professional. We are so happy we chose AFS for our journey. Thank you, guys!!!
(2019, International Parents) I would recommend AFS to anyone having a surrogacy journey. They are professional and yet they feel very homely and nice. You are someone, not just a number. They were so thoughtful all the time, both to us and our surrogate. We knew we can count on them. We had a couple of problems with our escrow and AFS fixed it immediately once we noticed. We absolutely love our coordinators and everyone else in AFS!
(2019, International Parents) We worked with AFS (All Families Surrogacy) during our surrogacy journey. They were very professional, and facilitated and amazing experience with our surrogate. Our surrogate herself was key to our great journey, and we can only assume that AFS did a very good job in searching, screening and matching surrogates, thus contributing to this great match. We were matched within a few months of signing with them, so here again we were very happy with the agency. Lastly, they were always very nice, and it was evident that they really cared about us and the success of the journey. The fact that many of the people working in AFS were surrogates as well I believe is a crucial part of the puzzle, as it enables them to support the surrogates. We personally believe that the well being and happiness of the surrogate is the most important thing in the journey, as she is doing a wonderful thing that entails a great physical and emotional sacrifice. This seems to be the philosophy of AFS as well, and I would highly recommend AFS for anyone considering in doing a similar journey.
(2019, International Parents) AFS gave us a clear and reactive service, for several months, helping us through this great future parenthood journey. All the team has always been available to answer our questions and provide us with solutions. Coming from France, this was for us really helpful and we would therefore definitely recommend their services. We are now parents. It came so rapidly and smoothly, we still can't believe it!
(2019, USA Parents) Our surrogate was so well cared for at every step...Most all of the staff of the agency have been surrogates before...they constantly checked in with us at every stage and we received one on one care. Not to mention their strong sense of professionalism.
(2019, International parents) הסוכנות מקצועית ביותר ויודעת למנוע אי הבנות או אי נעימויות מוך הפונדקאית. יודעת להציג גישה מאוזנת לשני הצדדים. היחס אנושי וחברי והרבה מעבר לנושאים הקשורים ישירות לפונדקאות (הכוונה במציאת דירה, המלצה לפעילויות עם נילד הגדות ועוד)
(2018, International parents) אין באמת יכולת להסביר את הקשר העמוק שיש לנו עם הסוכנות ועם הבעלים והמנכלית שלה. קשר קרוב מאוד של 3 שנים שהתחיל בצורה הכי מקצועית, אך אנושית מאוד ונגישה והפך בהמשך לקשר רגשי, משפחתי, מחבק ותומך. הן היו איתנו ברגעים הקשים ביותר וברגעים השמחים ביותר. ליווי צמוד מהיום הראשון עם נציגה בעברית אפשרה לנו להבין את כל הפרטים בשפתנו. הרבה מההחלטות המשמעותיות שנדרשנו לקבל בתהליך עצמו היו עם התייעצויות רבות עם הצוות של הסוכנות - מה שאפשר לנו להתנהל בצורה חלקה בתהליך עצמו. כל דבר קטן יכולתנו לשאול, ומיד קיבלנו מענה והסבר מפורט. תמיד בסבלנות, תמיד בגישה נעימה. בקיצור, אחת ההחלטות החכמות ביותר לשכור את שאותה של הסוכנות AFS
(2018, USA parents) We contacted AFS following recommendation of other couples that worked with them. We knew exactly what we should look for when choosing an agency and AFS was the perfect match for us. The process was well organized and structured, the agency has a very serious and careful process to select the surrogates. During all the steps of the process we felt that AFS is a well functional operation which we can rely on. AFS found us a surrogate that was all we could wish, we felt that the match between the ips and the surrogate was a lot based on the personality which is very important in such a long and emotional journey. During the process AFS was very "hands on", we had great communication and support, all the communication was very responsive and we felt very comfortable to reach out. Our surrogate and us had coordinators that made sure all the contract is executed correctly in the correct timelines, and they always been there for anything we needed in any hour of the day. Our surrogate got many little gifts and had meet-ups with the other surrogates which was very important for her and was like a support group. AFS also manage a Facebook group for the surrogates, and for our surrogate it was a great place to share her experience and learn from other surrogates experience. The service provided by AFS is affordable compared to many other agencies, while they maintain the highest level of service both for ips and the surrogates. While all the things we mentioned above might seem obvious, from our experience and from stories that we heard they are not in this way all the times. Choosing AFS was a smart choice and we will choose them again for our next journey!!!!! Highly recommended!
(2017, International parents) AFS were super professionals and were always there to answer our questions and help. They found the perfect surrogate for us and did a very good match based on the preferences of both sides. The only "bad" thing I can say that the matching took more time than we were told but I understood that it was the same with other agencies at the time we wait for a match and we also wanted a surrogate for twins.
(2017, International parents) When shopping around for surrogacy agencies, the ethics of the process was one of the most important things for us. We were very happy to learn that AFS was run by a former surrogate, and got the impression they care about their gestational carriers just as much as they do about us (also, knowing this was a woman- and lgbt-run business was a plus for us). Our surrogate was a perfect match, and while we needed very little intervention from the agency once we started communicating directly with her, knowing AFS was there was reassuring. We would definitely go back to them if we ever plan to have a second surrogacy child.
(2016, International parents) We highly recommend All family surrogacy! Very professional, did a great job in matching us with an amazing surrogate. Also our surrogate is very comfortable working with AFS which is very important for us !
(2016, International parents) AFS was our choice. They are very personal and deeply understand and believed in surrogacy. The fact that most of the staff were surrogates themselves meant a lot. The way we see it, a good agency takes care not only in you but also in your surrogate, introducing her to the surrogate community and holds her hand through this huge brave journey of hers and her family. Since the first time we met with Carey from AFS, we immediately clicked. Carey and her agency staff was everything we could have dreamed of. First and most important is that we got an amazing match and that what made our journey a very special life changing experience. Our match was perfect for us, accurate and organic. We connected strongly to our surrogate and all along AFS was there to support whenever needed. AFS were highly professional, always available, knew what to do even in the most complicated situations. Always had tons of patience to every little question we had. Not once did Carey came up with creative ideas for us, she was involved in every single step of the way. It's a long and unexpected journey and you really want to feel that you have a good team behind you that will walk with you all the way through. Someone with experience, common sense, highly intelligent but also very down to earth and practical. Someone strong who will fight for you and will know how to communicate and intermediate through many culture challenges (we're not US citizens). Someone who would be happy for you, who will really be excited for you when your babies finally come to the world. And that is AFS and their spirit, an agency with a huge heart. We feel so lucky and grateful.
(2016, International parents) סוכנות הפונדקאות שלנו AFS היא סוכנות שיודעת לעשות את החיבור הנכון בין ההורים המיועדים ולפונדקאית שלהם. יש להם הבנה איך להתאים גם את הפונדקאית למרפאות השונות והם מאוד ישירים ואמיתיים. יש יחס אישי ברמה שמנהלת הסוכנות הותיאה רישיון להשיא כדי ללחתן אותנו בארה"ב כשהיא שמעה שאנחנו רוצים להתחתן בארה"ב. הניהול האישי שלהם, הדאגה לכך שלא ייחסר אף מידע בתהליך ושמירה על קשר רציף בכל הקשור להתנהלות הכספית לאורך כל התליך הוא פשוט לא אמיתי וברמה שבאמת לא מכירים. ממליצים בחום. Translation: ​Our agency AFS is an agency that knows how to correctly match surrogates with intended parents​. They are straightforward and honest and know how to match surrogates with clinics as well. They have a real personal touch--so much so that the agency's director went and got certified to perform marriages when she heard we wanted to get married in the US, just so she could officiate our wedding. They personally manage your journey and make sure that you have all of the information necessary throughout the process. They are in constant contact with you about your escrow account and the financials. The service is done so well, you've never experienced anything like it. We highly recommend AFS.
(2016, International parents) This agency was one of the best decisions we did during the process, back then we were one of the first ones for the agency so the matching time was very good, they matched us with the best surrogate, the service and attention in general was very good and attentive
(2016, International parents) Being one of the first couples working with AFS, it was a bit of a gamble for us - yet it turned out to be the best decision we've made. Firstly, it felt like working with persons (all former surrogates) instead of an entire industry. Being matched in no time (we understand that today it takes a few months) to the best surrogate we could possibly dream of, and getting answers right on whenever we needed something in the warmest most effective way - we highly recommend working with AFS.
(2016, USA parents) The founder had been a surrogate and is part of a same sex couple. These contribute to the agency's experience and their ability to connect with us—we feel comfortable working with them. We liked the fact that the agency was small yet very professional (we wish that they'd grow and continue to be successful, but not lose that small agency, direct human contact touch). They were always very responsive to us. And were on top of things: when interacting with other parties (medical clinic, insurance, attorneys on both side, etc. and of course the surrogate) and (the two of) us, they were effective in managing appointments and interactions, and struck a good balance between providing gentle prodding to move things along (thanks for all the regular reminders) and giving us space and time for our busy lives. (It does help a lot if the intended parents (or at least one from the couple) were prepared to be very organized themselves.) The surrogate and we both felt we could turn to them privately for questions and concerns—sometimes you need a neutral party, this being an important function the agency serves. We felt that the agency tried to balance our interests and help all parties involved. The relationship between the IPs and the surrogate and trust are developed over time, and in the end it still depends it seems to a significant extent on luck (we were lucky!). We did hear from our surrogate that she felt supported by the agency and support was regular and steady. We felt the agency's price was reasonable.
(2016, International parents) Very friendly to the IP and extremely helpful for the GC. They support and assist in a lot. Create a supporting group for the GC which is very important. Quick to respond and a lot of the time proactive about tasks that needs to be done.
(2016, International parents) We had an excellent experience working with Carey Flamer-Powell and the entire All Families Surrogacy Agency's team. Their professionalism was beyond words, everything they promised was delivered and all with a very personal touch and constant care. We were especially impressed with the help we got during the process of selecting the GC, negotiations with her, the truly amazing GC care and support, monetary updates and full transparency - all were wonderful indeed. We highly recommend All Family Surrogacy agency and wish all future dads a wonderful journey with skilled captains like we had. Best of Luck! Us
(2015, International parents) All the services we recieved were more than excellent in term of financial, emotional, and care. We are thankful MHB and all families surrogacy excellent help and service to make our journey extremely smooth and less stressful.
(2015, International parents) We were very happy with All Families. They were incredibly supportive and always there when we needed them. We were their first complete journey so we felt pretty special. We were always treated like family and not just a business client. Carey is a workaholic in a good way and was immediately responsive to all our concerns. I would give complete ten stars in all categories except that because we were their first clients I think they were still finding their feet in some areas so they were not completely sure on things like how best to go about newborn insurance. But that said, they worked their butts off to figure things out for us and in the end it worked out. Very very happy we went with AFS.
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Surrogacy Agency Satisfaction

Overall Score 41 Reviews

Egg Donation Satisfaction

Recommendation Rate 0 Reviews
Surrogacy Experience
Overall Rating
Responsive and supportive throughout the journey
Surrogate screening and matching
Gay friendly and knowledgeable
Accommodation of international parents

Agency Recommendation Rate
Egg Donation Experience
Insufficient number of reviews.
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