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Law Offices of Laurie B. Goldheim

Legal Service Provider
Briarcliff Manor, NY - HQ
Last updated on Oct 10, 2023 12:05 PM
Whether you are a prospective adoptive parent hoping to build your family through adoption, a birth parent seeking a loving home for your child, someone who hopes to build their family through third party reproduction, or someone who wants to help create a family by being a surrogate or a donor, the Law Offices of Laurie B. Goldheim is here to support and guide you. The three most important qualities you need in your family building attorney and that you can be assured you will have with Laurie Goldheim and her staff are experience, compassion, and trust. The Law Offices of Laurie B. Goldheim has helped more than 4,000 New York and New Jersey families achieve their family formation goals. It would be our privilege to help you, as well.
Phone: 845-624-2727
Employees: N/A
Founded: 1993
Licensed in states: NJ,NY
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GPAP Stage I Discount: 10% - Unlimited
GPAP Stage II 2 pro bono Legal Service(s) per year
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