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Family Formers

Surrogacy Agency  | 
Egg Donor Agency
Palm Beach Gardens, FL - HQ
Last updated on Sep 06, 2023 11:16 PM
Family Formers is recognized as Florida's premier surrogacy consultancy, guiding aspiring parents and surrogates through transformative journeys. With a wealth of experience and a compassionate approach, they are dedicated to making the path to parenthood accessible and smooth. Rooted in the heart of the surrogacy process, Family Formers' expert consultants provide unwavering support, offering a personalized touch to every unique story. Their commitment to excellence is evident in their comprehensive services, tailored to individual needs. This premier consultancy understands the emotional intricacies involved and ensures that intended parents, egg donors, and surrogates are cared for, fostering a nurturing environment throughout. With a proven track record and a reputation for professionalism, Family Formers paves the way for dreams to be realized and families to be formed.
Phone: (561)515-7744
Employees: 4
Founded: 2011
Last updated on Sep 27, 2023 12:04 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening

  • Criminal Background Check - GC
  • Criminal Background Check - GC's Family
  • Financial Review
  • Psychological Screening
  • Medical Records Review
  • Carrier's Insurance Review
GC Matching
Case Management

  • 3rd Party Coordination (medical, legal, insurance, escrow)
  • Journey Guidance & Support
  • Travel coordination
  • Birth arrangements guidance / coordination
  • Postpartem Coordination
Billing Management
GC insurance review
GC insurance placement
Escrow Oversight
Insurance and billing support
Interpretation / translation services
Support Group for GC
Egg Donation Services
ED Matching
ED Non-medical Screening

  • Psychological Screening with a Mental Health Professional
  • Review of Past Egg Donation
  • Medical Questionaire
  • MMPI / PAI testing
Are all donors exclusive with this agency?
GPAP Stage I Discount: $1500 for Gestational Surrogacy Services Annual quota: 10
GPAP Stage II 1 pro bono Agency Service(s) per year 1 pro bono Egg Donation Agency Service(s) per year 1 Egg Donor Agency Fee
Membership Benefits Program
  • $1,000 off Surrogacy Services
  • $400 off Egg Donor Services
Team Members
Last updated on Sep 06, 2023 11:12 PM
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Leila Rodriguez - Administrative Director
Leila Rodriguez stands out as a compassionate and devoted individual who has left a lasting imprint in the domain of egg donation and surrogacy. With a foundational education in psychology and an intrinsic ardor for aiding others, Leila is devoted to steering intended parents and surrogates through their distinct journeys. Her nuanced mastery of the surrogacy process, combined with her authentic concern for the holistic well-being of intended parents, egg donors, as well as surrogates, has garnered her well-deserved acclaim across diverse media platforms, prominently featured in the pages of the Boca Raton Observer. Leila's unflinching dedication to cultivating families and providing unwavering support to individuals along their surrogacy passage has securely established her as a leading professional and resource within the industry.
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Teresa Rockey - Founder/Director
Teresa Rockey shines as an exceptional woman renowned for her entrepreneur ventures. Through her own personal journey, she became an advocate in the spheres of surrogacy and parenting. As a proud mother and founder of Family Formers, Teresa has wholeheartedly embraced the mission of furnishing unwavering support and sagacious counsel to both intended parents and surrogates. Fueled by her empathetic disposition and personal journey, Teresa is resolutely committed to aiding others in navigating the intricate terrain of egg donation and surrogacy. Her commitment to the LGBTQ+ community and faithful advocacy for surrogacy have not only earned her acknowledgement but have also secured her nomination for Businesswoman of the Year by the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. In addition to that honor, Teresa has been recognized numerous times for her excellence in the field of marketing and communication. Teresa's labor continues to be an uplifting force, fostering positivity in the lives of families and individuals endeavoring to forge their own unique paths.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Nov 22, 2023
Please login or create an account to view & compare provider cost information.
Attributes & Policies
Number of matches in the last calendar year that resulted in a pregnancy:   32
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   2%
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   30%
Number of Families per Coordinator:   15
Average wait time for surrogate match (in months):   8 months
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Not provided
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   English, Spanish
Conducts IP Background checks:   No
Recruits surrogates open to carrying twins:   No
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   No
Agency fee payment schedule:   Agency fee is paid in 2 phases: - At retention - At GC Match
Requires a non-refundable commencement/retainer fee:   Yes
Non-refundable Commencement / Retainer Fee:   $12500
Monthly allowance duration policy - start milestone:   At contract
Monthly allowance duration policy - end milestone:   Delivery
Minimum GC life insurance coverage amount:   $250,000
Rematch Fee Required under the following terms:   If intended parents change their mind
Rematch Fee (including any additional screening fees):   $12500
Supplemental agency fee for multiples:   No
Supplemental agency fee for multiples amount:   Not provided
Work with independent matches for a discount:   Yes
Refund Policy:   Retainer fee is nonrefundable. Match fee is nonrefundable once the IPs have been matched with a GC.
Timing of refunding unused journey funds:   N/A
Available financing options:
Sibling journey policy
Must go through agency, if using same GC for a sibling journey. Discount of $5000 for a sibling journey with same GC.
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
(2020, USA parents) Family Formers showed that they cared about the clients, donors and surrogates from the very beginning of our journey. They handled so many things that we could not have. This takes so much stress off of an already overwhelming process. They match their clients with donors and surrogates beautifully. With every turn and twist they were there and made life easier.
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Surrogacy Agency Satisfaction

Overall Score 1 Reviews

Egg Donation Satisfaction

Recommendation Rate 0 Reviews
Surrogacy Experience
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Egg Donation Experience
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