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Virginia Fertility Law

Legal Service Provider
Falls Church, VA - HQ
Last updated on Apr 07, 2023 02:50 PM
We are dedicated to helping individuals and couples navigate the complex legal landscape of assisted reproductive technology (ART). With a deep understanding of the legal issues surrounding surrogacy agreements, egg or sperm donor agreements, adoption, and other fertility-related matters, our attorney provides comprehensive legal guidance and support throughout the entire process. From drafting legal agreements to resolving disputes, our fertility attorney is committed to protecting your rights and ensuring that your fertility journey is as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Phone: 703-469-8222
Employees: N/A
Founded: 2023
Licensed in states: None
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Apr 07, 2023 02:50 PM

Law Services
Donation Agreements (known and unidentified gamete/embryo donation agreements)
Surrogacy Agreements
Establishing Parentage
GPAP Stage I Discount: 10% - Unlimited
GPAP Stage II 6 pro bono Legal Service(s) per year
Team Members
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Attributes & Policies
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