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Surrogacy Agency
Los Angeles, CA
Last updated on Jun 28, 2023 10:47 PM
Everyday, SurrogateFirst lives by its core values of: WOWing clients, providing Guidance with Compassion & Expertise, and providing Personal Attention & Accessibility. Since our inception in 2018 SurrogateFirst's reputation has quickly grown as a leader in the field of international surrogacy. Our "No Match, No Fee" policy minimizes financial risks to intended parents and we optimize your success of bringing home a baby with our predictable Baby Guarantee Program. Our dedicated team includes native French speaking case managers who are accessible 24/7 to guide you through every step of your journey. As active MHB members we are committed to assisting same sex individuals and couples with unique offers to help start their families.
Last updated on Apr 04, 2024 07:48 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening

  • Criminal Background Check - GC
  • Criminal Background Check - GC's Family
  • Financial Review
  • Psychological Screening
  • Home Visits
  • Medical Records Review
  • Carrier's Insurance Review
GC Matching
Case Management

  • 3rd Party Coordination (medical, legal, insurance, escrow)
  • Journey Guidance & Support
  • Travel coordination
  • Birth arrangements guidance / coordination
  • Postpartem Coordination
Billing Management
GC insurance review
GC insurance placement
Escrow Oversight
Insurance and billing support
Interpretation / translation services
Support Group for GC
Support Group for IP
Mental Health Counseling
GC Ancillary Wellness Services

  • Nutritional Counseling
Membership Benefits Program
  • $500 off of SurrogateFirst Agency Fee
  • Free Financial Planning Session ($250 value)
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Danielle Guaderrama - Manager of Case Management
Danielle Guaderrama, Manager of Case Management for SurrogateFirst, is a three-time surrogate that has always felt a strong desire to help others who have struggled with building their own families. During her journeys starting in 2010 she has carried for a wide range of intended parents including a single intended father, a domestic couple and an international intended parent. Becoming a surrogate and helping create families has truly filled her heart that has led her to find her passion to build her career in surrogacy. With over 10 years of firsthand experience with surrogacy Danielle is an expert in Case Management who oversees a team that works closely with Intended Parents and Surrogates throughout their journey to ensure that they have a positive, supportive, and successful experience. Danielle is happily married to her high school sweetheart and mother to four amazing children.
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Jeffrey Hu - Founder and Director
Jeffrey Hu, Founder and Managing Director of SurrogateFirst, a full-service surrogacy agency that has successfully assisted intended parents start their families from the US, Europe and Asia. SurrogateFirst’s multi-lingual staff speak native English, French, German, Spanish and Mandarin; representing a truly global team capable of serving Intended Parents around the world. Jeffrey’s journey started 15 years ago in China as an international intended parent himself, struggling for almost a decade to start a family. Jeffrey intimately understands the challenges (and joy) of navigating the international surrogacy journey. Based in Los Angeles, Jeff is an active participant in the lives of his 3 young children. Prior to SurrogateFirst, Jeffrey spent 10 years as the Founding Partner of Atomic Recruitment, helping to scale one of China’s largest private agencies with 8 offices and 250 staff, serving Fortune 500 clients. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics at the University of California, Irvine and acquired his Master’s in Business Administration at USC Marshall School of Business.
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Lina Li - Founder
Since 2011, Lina Li has consulted thousands of couples through their IVF cycles and have successfully guided over 200+ Intended Parents, from Greater China, in their surrogate journeys. Her firsthand experience as an intended parent based in China allows her the unique perspective to serve couples or individuals from Taiwan and Mainland to confidently start their surrogacy journey with SurrogateFirst. SurrogateFirst’s entire team consists of experienced Surrogates and Intended Parents who serve their clients with expertise, compassion, respect and genuine love. Our team is excited and honored to have the opportunity to assist you in starting your journey ahead! Lina Li started out like most intended parents with the inability to conceive accompanied by many failed IVF cycles leaving her family emotionally and financially spent. During her 6-year journey across 4 countries (China, Hong Kong, USA and Thailand) and numerous failed IVF cycles, she was finally blessed through surrogacy with healthy babies. Her family is forever grateful to the surrogate and those that guided her through the journey.
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Maxime Lebouteiller - Intended Parent Coordinator
Maxime is originally from Paris, France and has been living in the United States for the past 10 years. He is a father of 2, and is located in Florida where he worked in the surrogacy field for the past 6 years in different surrogacy agencies. He has been working at SurrogateFirst for 2 years, and found great pride and gratitude in his role as Intended Parent Coordinator. He found at SurrogateFirst what he was looking for. With his experience and knowledge, he has helped many couples across the globe achieve their dream of having children. He finds unique and exceptional the opportunity to give couples the support, guidance and hope they need throughout the whole surrogacy journey. In his spare time, Maxime spending time with his family and friends. He loves bike riding, cooking, exploring new eateries, and play music.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Apr 04, 2024
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Attributes & Policies
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(2022, International parents) Top notch and professional service all the way, listening and caring.
(2021, International parents) SurrogateFirst have been just INCREDIBLE from the very beginning till the birth of our child. Blazing fast answers to all our questions or requests, very involved and thoughtful, they quickly earned our confidence and at the end made our dream come true. First, the matching was perfect. They helped us build our presentation and matched us with the perfect women. The screening they made had been tough, but yet in about a month we found the great lady that will go through this with us. Then, everything went smoothly, always with such kindness and professionalism. They have been dealing with all our stress peaks, we and our surrogate never felt alone in this journey.
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