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Shining Light Baby

Surrogacy Agency
Schaumburg, IL
Shining Light Baby is a full-service Surrogacy agency committed to ensuring a rewarding and successful experience for all parties. We are family building experts who have a long standing and deep passion for Third Party Reproduction. With more than twenty-five years combined experience, our Co-Founders not only have the authority needed to navigate this process, but we are compassionate individuals who have a genuine interest in our clients' outcomes. Working with Shining Light Baby, Intended Parents will have peace of mind knowing they and their Surrogate are in the best of hands. Shining Light Baby is an integral part of your family building team, here to help you bring new and precious life into your world.
Phone: 18474661628
Employees: 10
Founded: 2020
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Oct 20, 2023 02:50 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening

  • Criminal Background Check - GC
  • Criminal Background Check - GC's Family
  • Psychological Screening
  • Medical Records Review
GC Matching
Case Management

  • Journey Guidance & Support
  • Travel coordination
  • Birth arrangements guidance / coordination
Interpretation / translation services
Support Group for GC
Support Group for IP
Membership Benefits Program
  • $1,000 discount for our services
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Mariana Martinez is the Co-Founder / Spanish Program Director at Shining Light Baby. She enjoys helping both domestic and International Intended Parents, guiding them through their entire journeys and assisting them to understand all that is entailed. With more than five years working in Third Party Reproduction, Mariana is sensitive to the special circumstances involved when Intended Parents live outside of the United States; she is here to make sure all goes smoothly and that the utmost support is provided each step of the way. In addition to Mariana’s business background, she has worked in human resources at Ford Motor Company and McDonalds Corporation and has used her expertise as a consultant for a business solutions firm. Through her experience in the field of Surrogacy, Mariana has built strong relationships with fertility doctors, clinics, and legal professionals, as well as Intended Parents in the United States, Spain, and several Latin American countries. Mariana has Business Administration and Human Resource degrees and is fluent in Spanish and English
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Vicky Li is the Co-Founder/ Asian Program Director at Shining Light Baby and has over six years of experience in Third Party Reproduction working with Intended Parents to guide them step-by-step through the process. Vicky’s passion in life is helping childless couples and individuals realize their dreams of becoming parents. At Shining Light Baby, Vicky is involved in meeting with potential Intended Parents and providing them expert insight and one-on-one attention as they learn about and consider surrogacy and family building options. Vicky maintains a close connection with Intended Parents throughout their entire journey, making sure all large and small details are handled in a timely fashion. Vicky is a source of dependable support and guidance from the moment contact is established until the baby is born and beyond. In her spare time, Vicky loves spending time with her husband and children, travelling, exploring new places, going out to eat and attending Broadway shows. Vicky grew up in Taipei, Taiwan but has lived in Chicago for 30 years.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Nov 01, 2023
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Attributes & Policies
Attributes & Policies information coming soon!
(2022, International parents) Thanks for their assistance on my surrogacy journey. Let me have a suitable surrogate mother and have my own child. I don't spend a long time to match a surrogate mother. They have staff who can speak mandarin. Intended Asian parents may feel more comfortable.
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