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Desai & Miller

Legal Service Provider
Chicago, IL
Desai & Miller is dedicated to helping others build their families through adoption or reproductive technologies. The firm achieves this vision through a number of activities, including: representing clients who want to adopt or to pursue one of the emerging varieties of reproductive options, such as donor gametes or surrogacy; assisting clients in making decisions about what method of family building is most appropriate for them; providing legal, policy, and strategic planning consulting services to medical providers, laboratories, adoption agencies and other family-building professionals, consumer organizations concerned with adoption and infertility, and public and private entities setting standards in these fields; assisting clients with practical and financial issues; and promoting responsible development of family building options.
Phone: 312-673-5312
Employees: N/A
Founded: 1998
Licensed in states: IL
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Apr 04, 2023 05:53 PM

Law Services
Surrogacy Agreements

  • Gestational Surrogacy
Establishing Parentage

  • Parentage Order
GPAP Stage I Discount: 15% Annual quota: 3
GPAP Stage II 1 pro bono Legal Service(s) per year
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Nidhi Desai of Desai & Miller focused her practice on advocating for, and working with, families navigating adoption, gamete donation, embryo donation and surrogacy law since 1998. Nidhi worked closely with the Illinois legislature to help draft and pass first of its kind legislation in 2005 protecting all families created through gestational surrogacy, and legislation to protect children born of gamete donation in 2017. Nidhi serves as Deputy Director of Assisted Reproductive Technology for the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys and serves on several boards including the legal professional group of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Nidhi authored the chapter on surrogacy for the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education Practice Handbook on Illinois Adoption Law and has been appointed to committees to provide education and recommendations regarding federal embryo donation policy. She is a frequent speaker on infertility legal issues, locally, nationally and internationally. She remains passionate and committed to helping clients navigate their journey to parenthood and ensuring the process is as safe and legally secure as possible.
Attributes & Policies
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