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Giving Tree Surrogacy & Egg Donation

Surrogacy Agency
Irvine, CA - HQ
Whether you're an intended parent who wishes to fulfill your dreams of parenthood, or a phenomenal woman who wants to help complete families by being a surrogate or egg donor, we are full-service agency where, no matter your background, we are here at every step of your journey. We follow strict guidelines and rigorous screening leaving only the top 2% to be added to our pool of exceptionally qualified gestational surrogates and egg donors. Our matching services are second to none. We begin with an initial interview to determine your requirements and then match you quickly and efficiently with one of our pre-screened surrogates or egg donors.
Phone: 888-328-8883
Employees: 25
Founded: 2015
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Mar 06, 2023 04:58 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening
GC Matching
Case Management
GPAP Stage I Discount: 10%
Membership Benefits Program
  • $1,500 off the surrogacy agency fee
  • $500 off the egg donor agency fee
Team Members
Last updated on Oct 23, 2023 06:47 PM
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Caroline Gerber - Surrogate Outreach Manager
Caroline's career focus has always been serving children and families. As a child protection worker, she found great passion in her work, ensuring children were safe from abuse and neglect. She held the title of Miss Wyoming USA in 2015 and used the national Miss USA stage to advocate for the great need in the foster care community. After working in a non-profit for the last few years, she is excited to focus her work back on the family unit and is thrilled to be able to help build families.
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Jack Lee - Program and Office Manager
Jack, our Program and Office Manager, joined Giving Tree Surrogacy in 2018. He brings with him over 20 years of knowledge ranging from administration, customer service, and sales. Jack has firsthand experience with IVF clinics and surrogacy agencies as a former prospective intended parent himself. It was this experience that allows him to speak about surrogacy and egg donation from a unique, personal perspective. Jack works closely with IVF clinics, ancillary infertility service providers, intended parents, and surrogates to ensure a smooth journey for everyone. Jack resides in Orange County, CA and when he isn't working, he spends time with his wife and daughter enjoying all of life’s little moments.
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Marissa Wanigatunga - Director of Client Relations
Marissa has been in the fertility industry for about 13 years. She initially developed a curiosity for third party reproduction while she was in graduate school and had a supervisor who had twins through egg donation. She thought it was a profound gift that she could carry the pregnancy of her twins and breastfeed her babies without being genetically related to them. She felt drawn to be a part of these incredible journeys that families participate in to have their children. She has developed and grown over the years to be understanding and insightful with clients from a systemic perspective. The emotions involved in fertility journeys are complex, so she prioritizes supporting her clients and being alongside them every step of the way to reach their family building goals.
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Sheryl Steinberg - Director of Egg Donor Program
Sheryl is a veteran in the egg donor space and came to us with over 14 years of experience. She has an extraordinary passion for this field, and it shows. Her enthusiasm and excitement is felt by her clients when working with her to find that “perfect match”. She has the patience and knowledge to provide seamless liaison with donors, intended parents, clinics, and staff to assure that you have a smooth and satisfying journey. Her many successes can be witnessed by her “wall of babies” in her office. She takes pride and pleasure in viewing them daily and is motivated to keep adding on more!
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Tara Kustra - Surrogate Intake Manager
Tara is a former surrogate who delivered a beautiful baby girl in 2020 for a deserving family. After experiencing the amazing journey of helping to build a family as a surrogate, she began working in the industry to continue to help others start their own families. Tara's background in professional counseling, customer service and her own personal surrogacy experience helps her to build relationships with and support our surrogates through the intake process. Outside of work, Tara enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters, cheering on her favorite football teams and supporting her daughters' love of competitive dance.
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Vivien Liu - Founder & CEO
Vivien is the heartbeat of the company. As a Cambridge graduate coming from a luxury brand management background with Harrods, Prada and LVMH, Vivien brings in the highest level of customer service and brand experience to all her endeavors. Having to sacrifice her decade-long promising career to fulfill parenthood dreams lent her the hard-won joy as a mother. It also fostered her compassion towards others who are fighting to build their own families. Vivien formed Giving Tree on the belief that planned parenthood is a journey where selfless people work together to make miracles happen and care must run through it consistently before, during and after any surrogacy pregnancies.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Dec 22, 2023
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Attributes & Policies
Number of matches in the last calendar year that resulted in a pregnancy:   Not provided
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Number of Families per Coordinator:   Not provided
Average wait time for surrogate match (in months):   Not provided
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Not provided
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Not provided
Conducts IP Background checks:   No
Recruits surrogates open to carrying twins:   No
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   No
Agency fee payment schedule:   Not provided
Requires a non-refundable commencement/retainer fee:   No
Monthly allowance duration policy - start milestone:   At contract
Monthly allowance duration policy - end milestone:   1.5 months post delivery
Minimum GC life insurance coverage amount:   Not provided
Rematch Fee Required under the following terms:   If intended parents change their mind
Rematch Fee (including any additional screening fees):   $20000
Supplemental agency fee for multiples:   No
Supplemental agency fee for multiples amount:   Not provided
Work with independent matches for a discount:   No
Refund Policy:   Not provided
Timing of refunding unused journey funds:   Not provided
Available financing options:   Not provided
Sibling journey policy
Not provided
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
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