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Fairfax Surrogacy

Surrogacy Agency
Bethesda, MD
Last updated on Aug 14, 2024 01:11 PM
Fairfax Surrogacy is a compassionate surrogacy agency based in Annapolis, Maryland. Our team of professionals brings decades of collective experience in third-party reproduction, guiding and supporting intended parents through every step of their family-building journey. As part of the reputable Fairfax group, including Fairfax Cryobank and Fairfax EggBank, we uphold the highest standards in surrogacy. We carefully recruit and pre-screen surrogates before matching them with intended parents. This thorough pre-screening process helps to ensure a smoother journey by minimizing the risk of rematches and addressing potential issues upfront. Our fixed-price option allows you to focus on building a meaningful relationship with your surrogate while avoiding unexpected costs. Discover more about our services at
Phone: 571-585-1149
Employees: 7
Founded: N/A
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Oct 20, 2023 11:03 AM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening

  • Criminal Background Check - GC
  • Criminal Background Check - GC's Family
  • Financial Review
  • Psychological Screening
  • Medical Records Review
  • Carrier's Insurance Review
GC Matching
Case Management

  • 3rd Party Coordination (medical, legal, insurance, escrow)
  • Journey Guidance & Support
  • Travel coordination
  • Birth arrangements guidance / coordination
  • Postpartem Coordination
GC insurance review
GC insurance placement
Escrow Oversight
Insurance and billing support
Support Group for GC
Mental Health Counseling
GPAP Stage I Discount: $3,000 Annual quota: 10
Membership Benefits Program
  • $1,000 off Fairfax Surrogacy fixed fee package pricing
Team Members
Last updated on Aug 08, 2024 08:07 PM
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Perla Piekutowski - Director of Surrogacy Program Growth and Engagement
Perla Piekutowski is the Director of Surrogacy Program Growth and Engagement at Fairfax Surrogacy, where she developed and established the agency from the ground up. With over 15 years of experience in surrogacy and assisted reproduction, Perla is dedicated to providing exceptional support for intended parents and surrogates by deeply understanding their needs and continuously enhancing the Fairfax Surrogacy program. Perla began her career in California, working with pioneers who helped shape the surrogacy industry. Her extensive background includes roles in case management, program administration, and executive leadership. Her personal journey with IVF to create her own family has profoundly deepened her empathy and understanding, enriching her ability to support families. Born in Peru, Perla holds a degree in Communications and is bilingual in English and Spanish, offering a broad cultural perspective that enhances her leadership at Fairfax Surrogacy.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Nov 01, 2023
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Attributes & Policies
Number of matches in the last calendar year that resulted in a pregnancy:   Not provided
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Number of Families per Coordinator:   Not provided
Average wait time for surrogate match (in months):   Not provided
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Not provided
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Not provided
Conducts IP Background checks:   Yes
Recruits surrogates open to carrying twins:   Yes
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   No
Agency fee payment schedule:   Not provided
Requires a non-refundable commencement/retainer fee:   No
Monthly allowance duration policy - start milestone:   None
Monthly allowance duration policy - end milestone:   None
Minimum GC life insurance coverage amount:   $750,000
Supplemental agency fee for multiples:   No
Supplemental agency fee for multiples amount:   Not provided
Work with independent matches for a discount:   No
Refund Policy:   Not provided
Timing of refunding unused journey funds:   Not provided
Available financing options:   Not provided
Sibling journey policy
Not provided
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
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