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Conceptions Reproductive Associates of Colorado

Fertility Clinic  | 
Egg Donor Agency
Littleton, CO - HQ  |  Lafayette, CO  |  Denver, CO  |  Lone Tree, CO
For over 20 years, Conceptions Reproductive Associates of Colorado has been a pillar of success and hope for patients across Colorado and around the world with clinical outcomes that meet or exceed US benchmarks. We’ve been part of some of the most important clinical research projects and global advancements in reproductive medicine from PGT-A, Single Embryo Transfer, to using the most advanced storage system for the cryopreservation of sperm, eggs, and embryos.
Phone: 3037940045
Employees: N/A
Founded: 1986
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Nov 20, 2023 01:44 PM

Clinic Services
ED Non-medical Screening
ED Medical Screening
ED Medication Instruction and Supervision
ED Cycle Monitoring
IP Medical Screening/Bloodwork
Semen Analysis
GC Medical Screening
GC Medication Instruction and Supervision
GC Monitoring
IVF Cycle
Embryo Genetic Testing

  • PGT-A
  • PGT-M
Embryo Storage
Semen Freezing and Storage
Egg Donation Services
ED Matching
ED Non-medical Screening
Membership Benefits Program
  • Complimentary semen analysis
Team Members
No team members found
Provider Costs
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Attributes & Policies
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Fertility Clinic Satisfaction

Overall Score 0 Reviews

Egg Donation Satisfaction

Recommendation Rate 0 Reviews
Clinic Experience
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Egg Donation Experience
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