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California Baby Consulting LLC

Surrogacy Agency  | 
Egg Donor Agency
Sherman Oaks, CA
California Baby Consulting is a Los Angeles based full third-party reproductive services agency. Our professional team members provide both English and Mandarin services to help intended parents fulfill their family dream. CBC is one of the biggest Asian Egg Donor agencies in the United States, with over 300 Asian egg donors and other ethnicities. CBC also provides one-stop high quality surrogacy services. From the initial application, selecting an IVF clinic, arranging the entire treatment process, and assisting with all legal document after your baby’s birth – CBC will support you throughout the entire surrogacy journey.
Phone: 626-566-4109
Employees: N/A
Founded: 2018
Last updated on Mar 06, 2023 04:58 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening
GC Matching
Case Management
Egg Donation Services
ED Matching
ED Non-medical Screening
Membership Benefits Program
  • 30% discount off surrogacy agency fee
  • $600 off egg donation agency fee
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Bingbing Han - Co- Founder & Case Manager
Bingbing Han is the Co- Founder and Case Manager of California Baby Consulting, LLC. She is a mom, a dreamer, and a family maker. She has 5 years working experience in the Third Party Reproduction Industry. She loves helping to bring angels in to this beautiful world and looks forward to starting the magical journey with you soon. California Baby Consulting has helped hundreds of couples to fulfill their family dream.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Nov 01, 2023
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