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Egg Donor Agency
YourEggs is one of the largest egg donor banks in the world. With offices in San Diego and Newport Beach, California, the highly skilled egg donation specialists collaborate with leading fertility centers, giving hope to people experiencing problems having children. Since 2018, YourEggs has welcomed donors and intended parents of all kinds. The practice wholeheartedly supports LGBTQIA+ people who want children, helping them achieve their goal of having a family. Egg donor agencies aren’t typically at the center of family planning services, but YourEggs understands the vital role egg donation plays in creating a family. YourEggs works with people worldwide, offering unique, inclusive packages that include (fresh or frozen) full cycle and split cycle egg donation. With their state-of-the-art egg banking facility, YourEggs allows women to preserve their fertility by banking their own eggs and can also provide healthy, perfectly preserved donor eggs at a time that’s right for the intended parents.
Employees: N/A
Founded: 2018
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Mar 06, 2023 04:58 PM

Egg Donation Services
ED Matching
ED Non-medical Screening
GPAP Stage I Discount: 15% Annual quota: 3
Membership Benefits Program
  • Free consultation with the Director of Intended Parents
  • Free Semen Analysis (up to two individuals)
  • $1,000 off a Full cycle
  • $500 off a Shared cycle
  • Free consultation with Medical Director (only with Full Cycle)
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Huiling Xia - Director of Intended Parents
Huiling Xia is the Director of Intended Parents at YourEggs. She was born and raised in China, acquired her bachelor’s degree in the Ukraine and MBA in France, then worked in Exclusive Sales in Paris for almost 6 years. She is fluent in Chinese, English, French, and Russian. After she moved to the United States with her husband, growing a family was a challenge for her. That’s how she learned about IVF. Luckily, she now has two beautiful kids, and started work as an IVF coordinator at Gen5 fertility center. She also worked as an Intended Parent coordinator at a Surrogacy and Egg Donation agency for years, then she realized that Egg Donation is what she is most passionate about. It has truly been an honor for her to be a part of every parent’s journey from consideration of egg donation, to selecting their perfect donor, and accompany them to through the entire process. She is known to take the anxiety from the Intended Parent’s away with her sincerity, calmness and wealth of knowledge and give them a worry-free journey.
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