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Canadian Surrogacy Options Inc.

Surrogacy Agency
Guelph, ON
Canadian Surrogacy Options, also known as CSO Family for being the umbrella to both Canadian Surrogacy Options as well as Little Miracles Inc, is Canada's first surrogacy agency. For nearly 30 years, CSO has helped thousands of families fulfill their dream of having a biological baby. In addition to leading the industry in Canada, the founding managers have strived for ethical and fair practices in the field by actively challenging federal regulations to ensure that every person wanting to grow their family has an equal opportunity to do so. CSO Family's knowledge, commitment, and hands-on service are what makes Intended parents around the world choose them to pursue sibling journeys. Learn about infertility planning, gestational surrogacy, egg donation, and community awareness initiatives by visiting CSO Family online.
Employees: 11
Founded: 1992
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Jan 23, 2024 10:43 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening
GC Matching
Case Management
Support Group for GC
Support Group for IP
GPAP Stage I Discount: 15% Annual quota: Unlimited
GPAP Stage II 2 pro bono Agency Service(s) per year
Membership Benefits Program
  • $1,000 discount of CSO Agency Fee
Team Members
Last updated on Jan 23, 2024 10:42 PM
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Robyn Price - Owner & Managing Partner
When Robyn was just four years old, her mom, Joanne became the first ever surrogate in Canada. Having spent almost all her life surrounded by all things surrogacy, Robyn knew it was natural for her to follow, walk beside and now lead in her mother footsteps. From watching first hand the struggles Intended Parents go through to build their family, She started the First Egg Donation Agency in Canada, Little Miracles (our egg Donation agency). While she is now the Owner and Managing Partner of both companies, Robyn carries on her Mom’s legacy offering superior support and guidance to all the clients who chose to include CSO & Little Miracles as part of their alternative family building team.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Jan 23, 2024
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Attributes & Policies
Number of matches in the last calendar year that resulted in a pregnancy:   Not provided
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Number of Families per Coordinator:   Not provided
Average wait time for surrogate match (in months):   Not provided
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Not provided
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Not provided
Conducts IP Background checks:   No
Recruits surrogates open to carrying twins:   No
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   No
Agency fee payment schedule:   Not provided
Requires a non-refundable commencement/retainer fee:   No
Monthly allowance duration policy - start milestone:   None
Monthly allowance duration policy - end milestone:   None
Minimum GC life insurance coverage amount:   Not provided
Rematch Fee Required under the following terms:   Upon medical recommendations following failed transfers/miscarriages
Rematch Fee (including any additional screening fees):   $None
Supplemental agency fee for multiples:   No
Supplemental agency fee for multiples amount:   Not provided
Work with independent matches for a discount:   No
Refund Policy:   Not provided
Timing of refunding unused journey funds:   Not provided
Available financing options:   Not provided
Sibling journey policy
Not provided
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
(2022, USA parents) CSO provided a very accurate time to match with a potential surrogate. The estimate was 18 months and we matched in 17 from start of sign up. What we have come to understand with the overall surrogacy process it to be diligent and advocate for yourselves. We think that is very important to share with others.
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Overall Score 2 Reviews
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