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HRC Fertility - Rancho

Fertility Clinic
Rancho Cucamonga, CA - HQ  |  Pasadena, CA
HRC Fertility’s mission is to help people bring their dreams to life by providing compassionate care using the latest technologies in a cost-effective manner. Unlike many other centers, patients have a dedicated doctor and nurse who are extremely involved in every step of the process with Dr. Norian doing most all of his own ultrasounds, egg retrievals, and embryo transfers. We believe that our individualized patient-centered care greatly helps our patients regularly achieve the highest pregnancy rates in the U.S. With nine offices throughout Southern California, Dr. Norian and his team are close to many surrogates and egg donors which further helps to improve care and decrease extra costs. HRC Fertility is a strong LGBTQ community advocate and we provide care for all whether they are single or in a relationship and that love is what comes first!
Last updated on Mar 06, 2023 04:58 PM

Clinic Services
ED Non-medical Screening
ED Medical Screening
ED Medication Instruction and Supervision
ED Cycle Monitoring
IP Medical Screening/Bloodwork
Semen Analysis
GC Medical Screening
GC Medication Instruction and Supervision
GC Monitoring
IVF Cycle
Embryo Storage
Semen Freezing and Storage
Membership Benefits Program
  • $2500 discount off of an IVF cycle and/or $4000 discount off of an IVF + PGT cycle
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Dr. John Norian is a double board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist with HRC Fertility. He is passionate about helping gay men achieve their goals of family building and becoming fathers through egg donation and surrogacy. His philosophy in helping those realize their dream of having a family combines both the precision and science of reproductive medicine with a warm and compassionate style of doctoring. Dr. Norian is very involved in all the clinical decisions and all of the fertility treatment procedures which have allowed our team and his patients to achieve the highest success rates. As a board member of Family Equality and SART, Dr. Norian has greatly helped to raise awareness and develop usable information about fertility options for gay men and the greater LGBTQ community. He received his undergraduate degree from the UC Berkeley, his medical degree from the Royal College of Surgeons, completed his residency at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and his fellowship at the prestigious National Institutes of Health program.
Provider Costs
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Attributes & Policies
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(2024, USA Parents)
As an LGBTQ couple needing surrogacy to have a family and being unhappy with our two previous fertility clinics, we are so thankful we found Dr. Norian and his team! We now have an amazing 3 month old baby thanks to Dr. Norian and are starting our second journey! Dr. Norian and his staff are very knowledgeable, thoughtful, and easy to get in touch with. I especially appreciate how well the staff communicates with us and within their company. It's so refreshing to have everyone you speak to be on the same page about every aspect of your journey. I cannot recommend Dr. Norian enough!
Approved by Vanessa Breedlove
(2023, USA Parents)
Dr. Norian was meticulous and thorough. As busy as he was, he took the time to call us after evaluating our egg donor and surrogate carrier to provide his assessment.
Approved by Vanessa Breedlove
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Overall Score 3 Reviews
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