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Golden Surrogacy

Surrogacy Agency  | 
Egg Donor Agency
Northbrook, IL - HQ
Last updated on Jan 29, 2024 07:23 PM
Golden Surrogacy is a premium surrogacy agency established by married gay couple Adam and Frank Golden. Inspired by the success of their own journeys to fatherhood they advocate for all loving couples and individuals who wish to become parents. Golden specializes in gestational surrogate recruiting, matching, and complete end-to-end case management. Golden Surrogacy is a licensed surrogacy agency that has passed a stringent legal, clinical, and program review of its entire business operations. Working with an agency guided by former Intended Parents means that clients have direct advocacy by those who understand their unique journey best. The agency is guided by the philosophy: Everyone Deserves a Family. The team passionately aims to always provide world-class support to all they serve. Golden Surrogacy has become a leading resource for family building through gestational surrogacy.
Phone: 800-824-4428
Employees: 12
Founded: 2013
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Sep 07, 2023 01:47 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening

  • Criminal Background Check - GC
  • Criminal Background Check - GC's Family
  • Financial Review
  • Psychological Screening
  • Home Visits
  • Medical Records Review
  • Carrier's Insurance Review
GC Matching
Case Management

  • 3rd Party Coordination (medical, legal, insurance, escrow)
  • Journey Guidance & Support
  • Travel coordination
  • Birth arrangements guidance / coordination
  • Postpartem Coordination
Billing Management
GC insurance review
GC insurance placement
Escrow Oversight
Insurance and billing support
Interpretation / translation services
Mental Health Counseling
Egg Donation Services
GPAP Stage I Discount: $3,500 Annual quota: 5
Membership Benefits Program
  • $500 off Agency Fee
  • Complimentary 1st Consultation
Team Members
Last updated on May 28, 2024 12:44 PM
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Frank Golden - Founder & Agency Director
Frank Golden is the principal founder of Golden Surrogacy. He has a B.S. in Management and over 20 years of expertise in consumer psychology. Throughout his career in various roles Frank was tasked with developing innovative processes to streamline the customer experience. Inspired by the success of his own journey to become a Dad, Frank established Golden Surrogacy. Frank passionately works to assist all loving couples and individuals who wish to follow in his footsteps. Previously, Frank has served as Vice Chair on the Board of Directors for the American Fertility Association and is now a Board Member Emeritus with Family Equality Council. In addition, Frank is a professional member with RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association. In furtherance of his commitment to gay parenting options, Frank’s agency is a consistent supporter of the not-for profit organization Men Having Babies; listed as one of their highly rated service providers year after year. Frank has become a leading resource for those who wish to pursue a path to parenthood through gestational surrogacy.
Provider Costs
Last updated on May 28, 2024
Please login or create an account to view & compare provider cost information.
Attributes & Policies
Number of matches in the last calendar year that resulted in a pregnancy:   Not provided
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   50%
Number of Families per Coordinator:   10
Average wait time for surrogate match (in months):   8 months
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Not provided
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Not provided
Conducts IP Background checks:   Yes
Recruits surrogates open to carrying twins:   No
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   Yes
Agency fee payment schedule:   Not provided
Requires a non-refundable commencement/retainer fee:   Yes
Non-refundable Commencement / Retainer Fee:   $15000
Monthly allowance duration policy - start milestone:   At contract
Monthly allowance duration policy - end milestone:   2 months post delivery
Minimum GC life insurance coverage amount:   $750,000
Rematch Fee Required under the following terms:   If intended parents change their mind
Rematch Fee (including any additional screening fees):   $0
Supplemental agency fee for multiples:   No
Supplemental agency fee for multiples amount:   Not provided
Work with independent matches for a discount:   No
Refund Policy:   Not provided
Timing of refunding unused journey funds:   Not provided
Available financing options:   Not provided
Sibling journey policy
Not provided
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
(2024, USA Parents)
We were very impressed with Golden Surrogacy. The team’s extensive knowledge about the surrogacy process and their ability to guide us through all aspects of it - from legal to insurance was absolutely amazing. The Golden team was responsive to all of our inquiries and proactive in helping us prepare for each step of the process. They were kind and supportive and overall a pleasure to work with. We would highly recommend Golden to anyone seeking to expand their family via surrogacy. We are grateful beyond measure for all they have done for us.
Approved by Vanessa Breedlove
(2020, USA parents) We were really excited to work with Frank, given the agency is run by a gay couple who had been through the process. As time went on, we were shuffled from one person to another, protocols changed, and we were made to feel guilty when we were told by our clinic we needed to find a new surrogate ("drop her" was the way Frank described it). At one point Frank also insinuated our rematch would take longer because when we signed on the agency fee was lower than it was at the time of our rematch. I can't figure out how Golden has so many good reviews. Perhaps our experience was an anomaly. They were clearly having growing pains throughout our journey. Sadly our experience lacked any personal touch and we very much felt like a number to them. For what it's worth, our surrogate told us she felt the same way about them towards the end of the process.
(2020, USA parents) Golden surrogacy is the absolute best! My husband and I interviewed with a larger agency prior to Golden and were very impressed once we met with Frank and his team. Their personalization and attention to detail were unmatched. Everyone that we worked with really cared about our journey and our success and were available at any time for anything and everything that we needed. They were extremely knowledgeable and made us feel very comfortable with all of the various decisions we had to make along the way. Golden matched us with the most amazing surrogate that we are still in touch with 2.5 years later. There is no way we could have picked a better human to carry our baby girl for us. Golden helped us to bring our perfect daughter into our lives and for that we are forever grateful. We would highly recommend Golden Surrogacy to anyone looking for a surrogacy agency. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!
(2020, USA parents) Working with Golden Surrogacy was one of the best decisions my family has ever made. My husband and I have two children via surrogacy, and we worked with Golden on the second child -- their work ethic and genuine care stood out in sharp contrast to the more detached and corporate experience we had the first time around at a competitor. The surrogate we matched with was superb, and a perfect fit with our family. She's a kind and thoughtful woman who was prepared both practically and emotionally for the journey ahead, and we all rested easier knowing the Golden team was there every step of the way to make sure it all turned out well. And their help didn't end when the delivery happened; the Golden team was instrumental in setting up shipments of breast milk for our baby, pulling it off without a hitch even during these challenging pandemic times. Surrogacy journeys, whether you're an Intended Parent or a Surrogate, are not to be undertaken lightly. Both the journey and the destination are too important to entrust to anything less than the best. If you're getting ready to take this journey yourself, take it from me, my husband, our surrogate, and our healthy 1-month old baby -- Golden Surrogacy is the absolute cream of the crop. 10 out of 10
(2020, USA parents) We wholeheartedly have so much gratitude for this agency. After interviewing many the choice was simple after speaking directly with Mr. Golden. He's thorough, takes his time, and explains everything in a much more transparent way than what we were getting from others. You can tell he cares about making sure his clients are well informed over just saying what we wanted to hear. The matching process isn't super quick but that was explained up front. This is a result of their selectivity and lengthy screening process for surrogates. We started with Golden Surrogacy having realistic timeline expectations given to us from the very beginning before we signed or paid anything. In the end it was worth the wait. Zero issues with our surrogate. She passed our clinic's protocols with flying colors and we had instant success with the first embryo transfer. Thank you, thank you!
(2020, USA parents) Thank you to Golden Surrogacy for all you do. My second time around using your services brought us twin boys and now we have 3 babies in total. My family is complete. It has been great having you by my side over the years.
(2019, USA parent) Golden Surrogacy did a fabulous job guiding me through my first surrogacy as a single parent. They matched me with a wonderful surrogate who I hope will work with me again for baby number two! Frank and Juan also took me out to dinner to celebrate the 20 week scan. This was quite an unexpected treat. When Frank asked for feedback I was enthusiastic to give praise. He and his team deserve it.
(2019, USA parents) This was my second surrogacy. I am eternally grateful to Frank and Team Golden for making it possible for all my dreams to come true. They have been amazing since day one!
(2019, USA Parents) My husband and I began with Golden Surrogacy in late 2016. Frank had recommended us to Dr. Mark Leondires in Connecticut who was also quite nice to work with and graciously accepted us into his program. Our first child was born in early 18'. Recently after completing our second surrogacy we have two healthy little girls. Frank and his team are extraordinary and our hearts are filled with deep joy.
(2019, USA parents) We were matched with a local surrogate just a few hours away, recommended to a local clinic, and everything was relatively close-by and easy as far as these things could be expected to go. This is our first Christmas as a newly formed family and we're very happy.
(2019, USA parents) Great experience with this agency! We were with a surrogate who had done this before and she was easy to work with and obviously knew what she was doing. Golden recommended a few of the local centers and we picked Dr. Kaplan with aParent IVF. Near the end of the pregnancy Frank Golden and one of his staff took us out to a nice dinner which was a delightfully unexpected surprise. You can tell they care about what they're doing. They are very kind and genuine people.
(2019, USA parents) We would recommend Golden Surrogacy over and over again, from our closest family in need or to a stranger looking for guidance on a long journey. Golden makes it a point to walk this journey beside you with a beautiful mix of compassion and expertise. They made a scary and significant experience into a safe and exciting series of milestones because they care. They put the time in to achieve the best outcomes for all parties involved and it shows every step of the way. Thank you Golden Surrogacy!
(2018, USA parents) Golden Surrogacy + Vios Fertility Institute all the way! We were in great hands through and through. Frank was wonderful so was Dr. Beltsos. We couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Thank you everyone who helped make this possible.
(2018, USA Parents) Frank Golden and his staff were very helpful all the way through. I called him many times early on with lots of questions and he always took my call and was prompt. Our Surrogate was a lovely lady with whom we've established a nice relationship with and will probably discuss having another baby with her and the guidance of Golden Surrogacy again possibly in another year or two.
(2018, USA parents) Golden Surrogacy has been a dream to work with from start to finish. Everyone there is caring, knowledgeable, professional, connected, and responsive. Any and all questions or issues were dealt with promptly. There was also a personal connection, which felt great. We were interested in an agency that was similarly committed to surrogates and felt that Golden Surrogacy shined in this area as well. Overall, a wonderful experience!
(2018, International parents) We are very happy and feel complete with our children. Of course we would rate Golden Surrogacy a 10 out of 10. The agency has been very helpful all the way.
(2018, USA parents) If I could have come up with my ideal scenario of how this process would go and how Golden would handle everything, it wouldn't be as perfect, smooth and amazing as our journey was. The team knew exactly who the perfect match would be for us (and I'm picky and was petrified going in) and addressed every single part of the process immediately and thoroughly. Everyone was extremely organized and attentive. I am still in disbelief at how positive and awesome this whole experience was! I really didn't think that was possible.
(2018, USA parents) I would give a 10 to Golden! Frank is absolutely lovely to work with. As personal a matter as this is, customer attendance is what thrives at this agency. We had ups and downs too but each time we emailed Frank we always got a smiley face and a straightforward solution/answer. The process is pretty streamlined too. Legal was probably the most time-consuming part but we got guidance from Frank as well. We did 6 times IVF and had to have embryos DNA tested so we had to let go a surrogate since we didn't have a good embryo to transfer at the beginning. But as soon as we passed DNA, Frank was able to pair with us with another surrogate within 4 months. We signed the contract with agency in early 2016! Baby was here August 2018!
(2017, USA parents) My experience with Golden Surrogacy was fabulous from the very first phone call. Mr. Golden spoke with me personally for the initial interview. I was so touched that the founder of the company spoke to me. Everyone was wonderful to work with. Throughout the process I needed varying degrees of "hand holding". Sometimes I was very needy and other times I needed some space. Everyone I worked with was able to pick up on my needs and responded accordingly. I truly loved my experience with Golden.
(2017, USA parents) Golden Surrogacy made my dream of having a family come true. Prior - to Golden Surrogacy. I worked with 5 other agencies, it was an nightmare. If you want the least amount of headaches in creating an family - you must go with Golden Surrogacy.
(2017, USA parents) Golden surrogacy was tremendous in guiding us through the process. Frank was very responsive and helpful for any questions, and unforeseen steps that came along the way. Could not recommend him enough.
(2017, USA parents) We selected Golden Surrogacy because we felt that we wanted the more personalized attention that a smaller agency could give us. Frank, Adam, and the whole team lived up to, and even exceeded our expectations. They were extremely helpful, supportive, and responsive to us as intended parents, as well as to our surrogate, which was important to us. We're delighted that we chose them to help us with the surrogacy journey and wouldn't hesitate to work with them again in the future.
(2017, USA parents) Frank and his team were an invaluable resource during the entire process. This was a big deal in my life and he made everything seem so easy.
(2017, USA parents) They found our surrogate mother in the specified timeframe that was discussed during our initial conversations and fulfilled all of their obligations accordingly. This obviously was a sign of their effectiveness. We were always looped in and taken care of along the way in a timely and efficient manner. Our surrogate mother is an extraordinary woman who handled herself with grace. Could not ask for things to go more smoothly than they did. Thank you!
(2016, USA parents) Excellent! They were more knowledgeable than other places we interviewed. Great communication skills. We will definitely contract with them again for a second child and hopefully the same surrogate.
(2016, USA parents) This was our second surrogacy. The first I managed independently for us and it was admittedly a lot of work. We decided to go with golden surrogacy for this most pregnancy and it was a great decision. I found Frank and his staff to be very efficient and personable. Our surrogate and her husband were really a great fit for us.
(2016, USA parents) We could see why this particular agency has positive feedback. I think they did a fantastic job dealing with us, as challenging as that could have been I am sure, and managing everything in total. It is a pleasure to recommend them.
(2016, USA parents) Very attentive and helpful along the entire process. Always there to address concerns and answer questions. Can't ask for a better partner!
(2016, USA parents) I cannot say enough good things about this Agency. Before Golden Surrogacy, my husband and I had used two different agencies (both of which are also named in this website) to find a surrogate, both of which were awful. So I believe that my opinion on this matter comes with some experience in having dealt with these other agencies. That said, Frank was always professional, prompt, gave good advice, handled matters perfectly, paid attention to detail and found us a great surrogate that passed medical clearance right away by our overly conservative fertility clinic. He made this whole process so easy for us after we had such a hard time before. If we had a question, Frank had the answer and answered us promptly. We were always so impressed by Frank's immediate attention. Having been through previous surrogates, the surrogate Frank provided was a great match, that continues to be a part of our lives. We just adore her. Also, we continue to use Frank as a reference since he is so knowledgeable about so many matters. I am so grateful that we found this agency. I truly felt like Golden Surrogacy wanted this for us as we wanted it for ourselves. I can never thank this agency enough. Without a doubt, I would recommend this Agency.
(2015, USA parents) Frank and Adam were always timely, courteous, and detailed, and when necessary, entirely impartial. They anticipated not only every single logistical detail in the process, but also the emotional complexity of each decision. And they were always available whenever we had questions. We couldn't have asked for better and trustworthy guidance in this journey!
(2014, USA parents) I very much so enjoyed the relationship we all built over the course of things. Professional, yes, but not cold or hard to deal with, very understanding and supportive.
(2014, USA parents) We took a chance on this agency given the fact that they were relatively new by comparison to some of the larger companies we discovered. However, we found out that the owner is also a former intended parent, and like us he's also gay. This was the most significant upside of choosing to work with him over the others. Also, he was honest and straightforward about all the fees we'd have to pay to the various people involved. He kept us in the loop and was more of a mentor and friend than a business-person. I think his approach with us was very warm and friendly. Our dream of becoming fathers has finally come true and for that we will be forever grateful. I wish this agency all the best and hope they are able to help many more couples in our community.
(2014, USA parents) Frank was very dedicated and compassionate throughout the ups and downs. Our surrogate did nothing but rave about him. She was also quite fond of the gal she was paired with for support. My husband and I can only find good things to say. We highly recommend Golden Surrogacy.
(2014, USA parents) I had to fire the agency I was previously with. As a single parent-to-be I had already waited almost 9 months and they still hadn't found anyone who met my criteria. Frank had me matched in just a few short weeks and the first procedure with the surrogate was a great success. I'm happy to recommend these guys anytime. They're doing great work.
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Surrogacy Agency Satisfaction

Overall Score 40 Reviews

Egg Donation Satisfaction

Recommendation Rate 0 Reviews
Surrogacy Experience
Overall Rating
Effective (contribution to the success of the journey)
Responsive and supportive throughout the journey
Surrogate screening and matching
Gay friendly and knowledgeable
The degree to which your actual overall cost matched the estimate/guidance from your agency

Agency Recommendation Rate
Egg Donation Experience
Insufficient number of reviews.
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