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Fertility Center of Las Vegas, The

Fertility Clinic  | 
Egg Donor Agency
Las Vegas, NV - HQ
Last updated on Nov 21, 2023 06:43 PM
The Fertility Center of Las Vegas (FCLV) is an international destination for fertility care. For more than 35 years we have been helping patients conceive using third-party reproduction options such as egg donation & surrogacy. Our team utilizes the latest, proven fertility treatments to bring thousands of healthy babies into the arms of loving parents. People from all over the world have chosen The Fertility Center of Las Vegas for its exceptional success rates and personalized care. Due to our clinic's foundation in research, our sought-after physicians are called upon to treat even the most complex cases of infertility and provide family-building support to LGBTQ+ couples and singles. When you are ready to start on your path to parenthood, The Fertility Center of Las Vegas is your "oasis in the desert". We look forward to welcoming you to our #FCLVfamily!
Phone: 702-254-1777
Employees: 40
Founded: 1988
Last updated on Dec 05, 2023 02:05 PM

Clinic Services
ED Non-medical Screening

  • Psychological Screening with a Mental Health Professional
  • Review of Past Egg Donation
  • Medical Questionaire
  • MMPI / PAI testing
  • Drug Screening
ED Medical Screening
Genetic Counseling (ED)
Genetic Screening (ED)
ED Medication Instruction and Supervision
ED Cycle Monitoring

  • Monitoring - office visits for egg donor
  • Monitoring - ultrasound examinations
  • Monitoring -bloodwork
Travel Coordination (ED)
IP Medical Screening/Bloodwork
Semen Analysis
GC Medical Screening

  • Sonohystogram or hysteroscopy
  • Cervical map
  • Mock cycle
GC Medication Instruction and Supervision
GC Monitoring

  • Ultrasound & blood for alignment and suppression
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Monitoring of carrier through 12th week of pregnancy
IVF Cycle

  • Egg retrieval with ultrasound guidance
  • Anesthesia for egg retrieval
  • Fertilization and Embryo Culture
  • Embryo transfer with ultrasound guidance
Embryo Genetic Testing

  • PGT-A
  • PGT-M
Embryo Storage
Semen Freezing and Storage
Genetic Counseling (IPs)
Egg Donation Services
GPAP Stage I Discount: $4,500 Annual quota: 10
Membership Benefits Program
  • Free New Patient Consultation for patients without insurance.
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
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Dr. Bruce Shapiro - Founder
A well-known fertility research pioneer, board certified reproductive endocrinologist Dr. Shapiro founded The Fertility Center of Las Vegas (FCLV) in 1988. His commitment to developing new techniques to make IVF and third-party reproduction safer and more effective has made FCLV a leading force for advancing the science and practice of reproductive medicine. Patients who visit him receive individualized treatment plans and compassionate care that enhance their chance of bringing home a healthy baby. Dr. Shapiro completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale New Haven Hospital, finished his fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale University and earned his Ph.D. at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. He is also the Director of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, where he teaches medical students and residents.
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Dr. Carrie Bedient - Reproductive Specialist
Dr. Carrie Bedient is Southern Nevada's first female board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and is one of Las Vegas Weekly's 40 Under 40. She is passionate about helping same-sex couples and individuals start and grow their families. Additionally, she has specialized training in minimally invasive surgical techniques. Dr. Bedient earned her medical degree from the University of Arizona College of Medicine before completing her OBGYN residency at Case Western Reserve University. For her REI residency, she completed training at Emory University. When Dr. Bedient isn't helping patients achieve their family-building goals, she teaches the doctors of tomorrow at the University of Nevada School of Medicine and she is also one of the cohosts of the popular podcast Fertility Docs Uncensored.
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Dr. Leah Kaye - Reproductive Specialist
Dr. Leah Kaye is Southern Nevada's second female board-certified reproductive endocrinologist. She has a special interest and expertise in LGBTQ+ fertility and transgender fertility preservation and fertility treatment. Her goal is to help all hopeful parents start and grow their families in the way that works best for their goals, needs and budget. Dr. Kaye earned her medical degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. She then completed her OBGYN residency and REI fellowship at the University of Connecticut. She also earned a master's degree in clinical and translational research from this prestigious institution. Dr. Kaye brings a sense of peace and calm to her patients, at The Fertility Center of Las Vegas as she breaks down information in a way that's easy to understand and eases her patients' worries. This is thanks to her compassionate nature and talent for teaching, as evidenced by her many awards in this area.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Dec 07, 2023
Please login or create an account to view & compare provider cost information.
Attributes & Policies
Annual number of Gestational Surrogates treated by the clinic in the last calendar year:   >100
Percentage of international Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Percentage of LGBTQ Surrogacy Cases (last calendar year):   Not provided
Description - "Additional Attributes":   Not provided
Languages (Business/Case Mgmt)?:   Not provided
Offers a network of satellite monitoring locations:   No
Requires single embryo transfer:   No
Requires embryos to be PGT-A tested:   No
Agency fee payment schedule:   Not provided
Requires non-refundable consultation/commencement fee:   No
Available financing options:   Not provided
Additional Policies / Clarifications:   Not provided
(2022, International parents) The medical staff were very professional and informative. All the staff were friendly and helpful.
(2022, International parents) Many thanks to the entire FCLV team. Thank you for your wonderful work, responsiveness, and kindness! Special thanks to Romain, our case manager, who has always accompanied and supported us in a remarkable way! We trusted you and now it's up to us to do our job as happy parents!
(2022, International parents) Le Fertility Center of Las Vegas est l'une des cliniques les plus réputées des Etats Unis. Son directeur le Dr Bruce Shapiro a beaucoup contribué aux avancées scientifiques dans le domaine de la procréation médicalement assistée. C'est une clinique efficace, sérieuse, très méticuleuse mais aussi chère (la qualité a forcément un prix!!). Nous etions aux petits soins avec notre case manager français Romain, qui est le premier à nous avoir éclairés de manière intelligible et claire sur le processus tres complexe de GPA. Romain est un vrai rayon de soleil! Il nous est cependant arrivé une mésaventure : la 1ere FIV n'a pas fonctionné (aucun embryon créé), et nous n'avons jamais réellement compris pourquoi…a priori la donneuse d'ovocytes était malade. Mais repayer ensuite 30 000 euros ca fait très mal!!! Au final, nous avons refait un cycle et obtenu 4 embryons. Nous avons appris à cette occasion l'existence d'embryons mosaics. Le discours a été changeant sur ce sujet et au bout du compte on nous a bien fait comprendre qu'il était inutile de conserver des mosaics. Du coup, 1 seul petit embryon normal apres tests génétiques. Cet embryon s'est révélé être notre fille!! Il s'est accroché à la 1ere tentative! Cela montre aussi le professionnalisme de cette clinique qui obtient réellement des résultats spectaculaires.
(2022, International parents) Romain taillandier et l'équipe de FCLV ont su faire preuve d'efficacité malgré le peu d'embryons dont nous disposions. Il a su nous accompagner du dépôt de sperme au choix de l'agence de GPA. Une reconnaissance particulière au professeur Shapiro pour son expérience et son sérieux.
id recommend to everyone
(2021, International parents) Clinique très sérieuse et efficace (2 GPA réussies au premier transfert pour ce qui nous concerne). Très bon support hyper réactif grâce à un contact dédié parlant français. Franchement très bonne expérience.
(2021, International parents) I used Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Shapiro. This clinic was great. The communication was great and they were able to get my surrogate pregnant on the first try. Thank you for making me a father.
(2021, International parents) The clinic's staff has been very professional and friendly. We made a single transfer witch was successful. We strongly recommend this fertility clinic.
(2021, International parents) FCLV a été d'un grand soutient dans notre projet de famille. Notre référent français sur place a énormément facilité nos démarches.
(2021, International parents) Muy mal trato e información por parte de los doctores. Ninguna empatía con los padres intencionales. Nada recomendable.
(2020, International parents) We worked with FCLV over a 5 year period for two journeys and the birth of our two children. The whole team there is excellent - knowledgeable, friendly, efficient, communicative. We wholeheartedly recommend them to others.
(2019, International parents) We had a wonderful and smooth journey with LVFC and can absolutely recommend this clinic to other intended parents. We were supported through a small team of very dedicated and professional employees, which are on top of all aspects of the journey. The doctor and case manager were very responsive, engaged and professional.
(2019, International parents) La FCLV démontre un extrême professionnalisme, est à l'écoute de ses patients et assure un suivi exemplaire de chaque demande ou question.
(2019, USA Parents) I like the clinic and I was happy working with them. Con: slow in responsiveness. It would sometimes takes days or weeks to get an answer from the clinic. I don't get return phone call, even after leaving multiple messages on multiple days. But overall, the journey was a success and I was very happy.
(2019, USA parents) Dr Shapiro, Crystal Roseburg and the entire team have been amazing. True representation of patient care! Highly recommend them!
(2018, International parents) Las Vegas Fertility Clinic was absolutely amazing and we had the best experience with the tam lead by Dr Shapiro. You know you are in great hands by the informative and professional manner in which the clinic is run. Dr Shapiro was completely optimistic and hopeful he could give us our family which he did and we are now 2 overjoyed, proud parents. We are going back to LVFC and looking forward to working with them again. We couldn't recommend them highly enough.
(2018, International parents) FCLV were excellent and Dr. Sharpiro is extremely thorough. He ensured the health of all involved was excellant.
(2018, International parents) FCLV while a little pricey, has given us two successful transfers, though the second had some unexpected obstacles that could have been avoided.
(2018, International parents) very good service
(2018, International parents) they offer special price to particular clients from agencies and they charge more and a lot of hidden cost. they even make my blood wrongly labelled with another person. God, the staff there are so busy and no time to do right things.
(2017, International parents) Our recommendation is based upon of course the result which gave us our daughter, but the positive experience also had much to do with dr Daneshman that is no longer residing there.
(2017, USA parents) The fertility clinic was exceptional. The first transfer worked perfectly. The number of healthy embryos out of this procedure was 12!
(2017, International parents) Parfait. Excellente clinique, excellent docteur Said Daneshmand.
(2017, USA parents) We had a very positive experience with FCLV. Dr. Daneshmand was absolutely fantastic with his knowledge and care assisting us through the embryo creation and transfer process. We had great results from our egg donor and were successful on our first transfer! The office staff was mostly friendly and helpful but we did struggle to sometimes find the right person we needed to talk to regarding a concern or a paperwork item. We could usually solve this in a day or so once we were directed to the right individual.
(2017, International parents) From a medical standpoint the clinic was perfect - my only concern was regarding communication with the coordinator in the clinic (for instance, she didn't send a complete schedule to my surrogate by the day she was meant to start medications). Also, she was responsive at the beginning but not so much in the end. I solved this by talking with my doctor.
(2016, International parents) FCLV is a very good fertility clinic,with Dr Daneshmand being a top class doctor and person. Some areas for improvement in terms of their organization, and they are a bit pricey, but all in all, very satisfied.
(2018, International parents) The service and responsiveness varied. At a late stage the contact changed and that person did not appreciate that she emailed someone in a different time zone (responding at the end of her day to Europe) so that clarifying a couple of issues took a whole week. Some hidden costs.
(2016, International parents) Very good clinic !
(2016, International parents) Good
(2016, International parents) Dr. Shapiro at FCLV was the perfect mix of expert and bedside manner. We appreciated him and his team for their guidance and execution.
(2016, International parents) Dr Daneshmand (who has since move) and FCLV were unbelievably professional, knowledgeable, direct, supportive and effective. There is of course a component of luck in the process, but we were pregnant with twins at our first attempt! We initially met Dr Daneshmand in London during a visit and discussed various pros/cons of single/multiple transfers, success rates and statistics. He was consistently clear and objective, as well as wonderfully friendly and warm. He helped recommend various Agencies with impartiality. He remained responsive and helpful throughout the entire process, including after the birth. We could not have wished any better.
The clinic and the Doctors are the best home for the magic that happened to us. We really felt like they are crucial part of the process, and that they really care about us and the future baby and not just a service provider in the process. Dr Daneshmand is a professional and a wonderful person so is the crew that we were in contact with. Can't wait to see them again when we will make the next baby :)
(2015, USA parents) Dr Daneshmand and the FCLV team are all amazing and caring people. It is through their generosity and compassion that we were able to bring our daughter into the world!! They were extremely organized and professional every step of the way. in addition, each and every person that works at FCLV is kind, approachable, helpful and all around good people!
(2015, International parents) They are great ! reactive, very kind and supportive even after the FIV took place they have been with us up to the birth responding all our questions
(2015, International parents) Le Docteur Daneshmand est très disponible. Quand vous recevez un message qui vous inquiète très fort (ovocyte anormal) un dimanche matin, vous envoyez un mail et le soir même vous avez une réponse. Pour rappel nous étions le weekend. Nous avons été très bien accueillis à la clinique et ils sont très attentifs à votre séjour. Aide pour trouver un hôtel, des occupations, organiser les transports, …. Un service All inclusive. Pour notre part, nous recommencerions cette merveilleuse expérience avec cette clinique les yeux fermés.
Everyone went above and beyond and the end result is everything I hoped for.
(2015, International parents) The clinic was effective for pregnancy, although there was no interest in informing the egg quality or the posible success of the cycle. Dr. Shapiro doesn't mind about couples, Are only numbers and does not care about them much. Very expensive for the service they offer.
(2015, International parents) Our IVF clinic was VERY knowledgeable, very friendly from start until even after birth. They were very open, very precise on process & communication and clearly very professional and high-state-of-the-art wrt IVF techniques.
We just could not have found a better Clinic in all senses, especilayy for the profesional and human treatment we always had. We still keep relationship with our Doctor and he met our baby.
All in all our experience with fertility clinic of Las Vegas turned out to be a very successful one as we are blessed with a very beautiful baby girl who is our world, and ultimately that was our one and only goal, goal achieved. Whether our chosen eggs and spermatozoa were completely viable or the doctors at the clinic were 100% competent with their science, but we never failed in any attempt of fertilization, freezing, defrosting or transfers and for that I applaud the clinic whole heartedly. I feel the only things that left a sour taste in our mouth was the costs and fees. After the pregnancy was successful we had to stay with the clinic for 3 months where numerous ultrasounds and blood tests were performed, sometimes every other day to a very expensive cost. We were not warned of the costs going into each appointment as we thought everything was an upfront fee. We also lost $5000 because our first surrogate failed the psychological eval and this money is not compensated and we had to start from scratch. My warning the fine print and be prepared for a much higher figure than you expect. However, now we have her, she was worth every penny!
Dr Said Danesmaund...and his clinic Fertility Center of Las Vegas are about as Tops as is possible in the world from the standpoint of compassionate , expert fertility case management. He in our book is absolutely a wonderful person who is not only technically top in his field and at the cutting edge of everything going on in this sophisticated science but is absolutely one of the most caring and competent people I have ever been exposed to in the medical world and I have been around a lot of medical professionals. Quite simply , I can not imagine a more caring and expert practitioner.... he is the key as to why we were ultimately successful.. he brings a unique blend of personal touch and technical expertise to this complex process that is comforting and reassuring and we highly recommend them !!!!!! His staff from Ashley Semenuk his nurse to everyone in his clinic are top individuals..Our heartfelt thank you to Dr D and the staff....we love them all !!!!
Our clinic and doctor have been amazing , a real human experience very friendly and very reactive. Even got help from our doctor during all pregnancy follow up. I would recommand with. No hesitations.
Super satisfaits de la clinique avec le Dr Daneshmand qui est formidable et qui parle français, et Shelly qui s'occupe de la clientèle internationale.
(2014, International parents) Très bonne clinique. Le docteur Daneshmand est très sympathique, professionnel et très réactif. A conseiller vivement !! Merci encore docteur !!
The Fertility Center of Las Vegas is simply amazing. Dr. Daneshmand was with me throughout the whole time. He is an extremely knowledgeable fertility doctor and an extremely caring individual. His staff are amazing as well. You are in the best of hands if you choose them.
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Fertility Clinic Satisfaction

Overall Score 77 Reviews

Egg Donation Satisfaction

Recommendation Rate 1 Reviews
Clinic Experience
Overall Rating
Responsive, informative and supportive
Egg donor options, screening and matching
Gay friendly and knowledgeable
Accommodation of international parents

Clinic Recommendation Rate
Egg Donation Experience
Insufficient number of reviews.
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