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Accel Conceptions

Surrogacy Agency  | 
Egg Donor Agency
El Cajon, CA
Our team at Accel Conceptions has over 18+ years of experience and works with the industry's most qualified and accredited psychologists, fertility clinics, and attorneys. We are committed to providing an exceptional experience through your journey to parenthood. At Accel Conceptions, you will receive unique and superior support from start to finish. We have the resources and expertise to ensure you have a one-of-a-kind journey to parenthood.
Phone: 619-975-2340
Employees: N/A
Founded: 2019
Conference Presentations:
Last updated on Mar 06, 2023 04:58 PM

Surrogacy Agency Services
GC Recruitment / Advertising
GC Screening
GC Matching
Case Management
Egg Donation Services
ED Matching
ED Non-medical Screening
GPAP Stage I Discount: 20% Annual quota: 5
Membership Benefits Program
  • $2,000 off agency fee
Team Members
Last updated on Mar 13, 2023 11:55 AM
Monica Buehler - Agency Director
Monica Buehler is the Agency Director for Accel Conceptions. Monica has worked in the assisted reproductive industry for nearly two decades. She has held multiple positions over the years, including Surrogate & Egg Donor Intake Manager, Case Manager, Trust Account Manager, and Office Manager, allowing her to understand all aspects of an assisted reproductive agency. With Monica's experience and passion, she has developed a program to provide you a remarkable, unique experience from start to finish. Monica has already helped thousands of families fulfill their dream of having babies and continues to do so. She is known for her close and caring relationships with egg donors, surrogates, and intended parents. This attentive care that Monica and her team provides is unmatched. In addition to her experience directly with egg donation and surrogacy, Monica is also a Certified Medical Assistant with a background in OB/GYN.
Provider Costs
Last updated on Nov 01, 2023
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Egg Donation Satisfaction

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Egg Donation Experience
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